At the beginning of this year, I posted a video interview with STEVE SHIVES after the release of his fourth STARFLEET [JOBS] video in 2023. In release order, those one-man fan films were:
The idea behind them is simple, but their depth is wonderfully complex. On the one hand, these films appear to be basic “talking head” one-person interviews with Starfleet individuals who have interesting or unexpected jobs. At first glance, you might think: “Wait, why would starships need a lawyer on board? Didn’t Picard and Riker do a decent job in ‘The Measure of a Man’?” Actually, Steve’s Starfleet lawyer addresses that very question! Or maybe you’re thinking that janitors wouldn’t be needed on futuristic vessels that can probably clean themselves. But can they really? We’ve actually seen someone cleaning the floor outside of the Kobayashi Maru simulator room in Star Trek II…
So, yes, Starfleet has janitors/custodians…but do we care about them? After all, theirs is probably the least desirable job in the service. At least security officers get to shoot phasers. What do janitors do? They clean up security officers!
“Oh, I get it,” I can hear you thinking. “So it’s LOWER DECKS, right?” Well, kinda. Steve certainly shines a spotlight on Starfleet’s lesser-known occupations—officers and enlisted personnel not usually stationed anywhere near the bridge—and many of his fan films do have funny parts. But look a little deeper. Each of these people is an individual with a personality, backstory, experiences, and often pretty strong opinions about things most Trekkers never even bother thinking about.
And thanks to Steve’s natural acting abilities, these colorful characters are brought to life in intriguing ways. Steve even provides accents and mannerisms, along with fun uniforms from various eras of Star Trek, making each one unique and compelling. And all of this is BEFORE we even get to the content of their interviews.
And that’s where these fan films gain a whole other dimension—a dimension not only of depth and complexity but of mind. Sure, some of his characters are whimsical and funny, but others are no-nonsense or troubled or any number of personality traits that reflect our own modern and challenging society. And each has his own intriguing stories to tell!
Like the best Star Trek episodes, Starfleet [Jobs] often provides us a mirror to look at ourselves—whether directly through the obvious connections between what the characters are talking about and our present reality or indirectly using metaphors. An example of the latter happens at the end of one of the films below (I won’t spoil it by telling you which one) when a comment about something completely unrelated to artificial intelligence provides a haunting analogy to the abundance of A.I. -generated content today.
Four new Starfleet [Jobs] have been released in 2024, each with refreshingly unique characters who have very engaging stories to tell. I heartily recommend you watch all four, as each is excellent in its own special way…