FARRAGUT FORWARD finally fascinates and fires up fans with a FEAST of fancy fan filmmaking at its FINEST! (video interview with JOHNNY K. and PAUL R. SIEBER)

The wait is over, and I think it’s fair to say that it was very much worth it!

In some ways, the “wait began back in 2016 when the long-running fan series  STARSHIP FARRAGUT wrapped filming on its series finale, “HOMECOMING,” and announced a sequel fan production set during the TOS movie-era to be titled FARRAGUT FORWARD. But five years would pass before fans heard anything more about this proposed project.

In 2021, showrunner and series star JOHN BROUGHTON invited his friend JOHNNY K. of KAOTICA STUDIOS to direct the Farragut Forward fan film. Johnny had already directed a growing number of independent short films and agreed to join the team. The next step was crowd-funding the project, as John Broughton wanted this to be a top-quality production with elaborate movie-era sets and impeccably-reproduced costumes.

Of course, few things are as effective when crowd-funding than showing potential donors what you’re capable of creating. So John and Johnny proceeded to create a 3-minute PROLOGUE teaser-trailer that really blew away fans…

The following weeks and months were filled with numerous behind-the-scenes photos and videos, each more exciting and enticing than the last. You can view three of those videos at the bottom of this blog.

The strategy worked amazingly well, as a 60-day Indiegogo exceeded its $30K goal by more than $3K! This allowed the campaign to attain InDemand status and continue to raise funds, ultimately wrapping up last month with a final total in excess of $45!!!

The money was put to good use, as the costumes and sets that were created nailed the look and feel of movie-era TOS Star Trek beyond what any fan film had ever been able to achieve before. A cast and crew of nearly (perhaps more than—I lost count tallying all the names in the credits!) a hundred people worked diligently to produce what can only be called a masterpiece. Farragut Forward debuted on October 1, and in just eight days has already gotten more than 65K views on YouTube. And now you can view it, too, below…

I had initially hoped to interview John Broughton and Johnny K. along with PAUL R. SIEBER, who plays the evil villain Prescott from the Mirror Universe. Unfortunately, a few hours before our scheduled Zoom call, something unexpected came up for John Broughton, and he wasn’t able to make it. But John has offered to do a one-on-one interview with me in the near future.

In the meantime, Johnny K. and Paul Sieber were still able to do the video interview, providing some eye-opening insights and fun stories about the planning and work that went into the making of this 3-year project. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to both of them, taking a look back at Farragut Forward

The TOP 10 CRITICISMS of Star Trek fan films…and why they’re mostly B.S. (guest blog by JOSHUA IRWIN)

Continue reading “The TOP 10 CRITICISMS of Star Trek fan films…and why they’re mostly B.S. (guest blog by JOSHUA IRWIN)”

UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS constructs an amazing VOYAGER-era crew quarters set for a 2.5 MINUTE fan film???

The “Wonders from Down Under” strike again! The two AARONS—VANDERKLEY and CHAPPELL—are an inseparable team and an unstoppable force when it comes to creating visually stunning Star Trek fan films! Aaron V. writes and directs while his significant other, Aaron C., builds the sets…and both share the title of executive producer on their latest releases.

Based in Perth, Australia, Aaron V. began producing Star Trek fan films in 2016 (before he met Aaron C.), bursting into the spotlight with five jaw-dropping NX-era fan films over the span of four years…

Few fan filmmakers attempt 22nd century Trek projects due to the complexities of designing sets and obtaining/creating costumes for that time period. But Aaron V. dove headfirst into the challenge, directing trained actors within a ridiculously tiny shooting space that somehow turned into a series of very believable starship and starbase interiors.

After a 2-year hiatus, Aaron V. returned in 2021, this time with Aaron C. on the team, and transitioned from the 22nd to the 24th century, now on board the Nova-class starship U.S.S. Explorer. The sets and costumes were still as good—if not better!—as their predecessors, but now the look and feel was firmly in the Star Trek: Voyager era.

Newly rebranded under the banner “THESE ARE THE VOYAGES,” the two Aarons released one episode in 2021 and then two in 2022…

Each was on a similar quality level as the first five NX-era fan films, and all eight are definitely worth checking out.

The Aarons then took some much-needed time off, as making this caliber of Trek fan film, while fun, is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. And while it would have been awesome (and very convenient!) if they’d been able to save their previous sets for future use, the frustrating fact is that the space they shoot inside is used for other purposes, and the Aarons have nowhere available to store the often-sizable set pieces.

The Australian duo didn’t release anything new last last year, but on September 14 of this year, an ultra-short vignette titled UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS premiered with an absolutely gorgeous crew quarters set. The two-and-a-half-minute fan film featured two actors with speaking parts. One of these actors was MAXIMILIANO LAFFONT, who had played an engineer in their previous release Beyond the Sun. When last we saw his character, he had disobeyed an order from the captain and gotten into some serious trouble. Unavoidable Delays appears to be a sequel to that story, picking up with the engineer confined to quarters, awaiting a meeting with the captain.

Let’s see what happened next…

I found this absolutely hilarious! And since it’s always interesting to get some insight into what goes onto behind-the-scenes, I sent Aaron V. a few questions and got really enlightening answers. And stick around till the very end of the blog, as Aaron sent me a ton of photos from the set that appear at the bottom…

Continue reading “UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS constructs an amazing VOYAGER-era crew quarters set for a 2.5 MINUTE fan film???”

FARRAGUT FORWARD releases an amazing TRAILER, wraps up their Indiegogo, and confirms a PREMIERE DATE!

Can you feel it in the air? It’s the electricity all around. It’s the anticipation of finally knowing that a long wait is nearly over. FARRAGUT FORWARD is just a couple of weeks away from premiering!

There have been few Star Trek fan film projects as eagerly awaited as Farragut Forward. First announced back in 2016 when its prequel series, STARSHIP FARRAGUT wrapped principal photography on its final episode, fans were looking forward to this planned movie-era fan production set during the time-frame of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Such fan productions were (and still are) very rare in the community due to the challenges of recreating accurate “monster maroon” uniforms and significantly complicated-to-build sets.

But FARRAGUT FILMS has been on the cutting edge of both costuming and set-construction since they created one of the first three Trek fan productions to shoot on recreations of the TOS-era Paramount sets from the 1960s (the other two being STAR TREK: NEW VOYAGES and STARSHIP EXETER). Starship Farragut would go on to release five full-length episodes, two vignettes, two animated-style episodes (one featuring the voices TIM RUSS and CHASE MASTERSON), a comic book, plus a series finale “”HOMECOMING”) that included a cameo by none other than Marvel Comics legend STAN LEE as a Starfleet Admiral. The TOS sets they built even sent on to be used by STAR TREK CONTINUES as well as countless other fan films and series in what eventually became NEUTRAL ZONE STUDIOS.

Despite being announced back in 2016, Farragut Forward didn’t really get going until 2021 when showrunner JOHN BROUGHTON brought on (see what I did there?) director JOHNNY K. of KAOTICA STUDIOS in Washington, DC. From there, things began to move at warp speed as sets were carefully built, costumes meticulously sen together, and footage shot for a PROLOGUE that was released in February pf 2022 and blew fans away!!!

At the same time, Farragut Films launched an Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign with a very ambitious goal of $30K. And to be honest, I didn’t think they’d get there in just two months. Boy, was I wrong! They actually exceeded that goal by more than $3K and earned Indiegogo’s “InDemand” status, meaning they could keep raising more funds. And raise them they did! The campaign was finally officially ended this past weekend with an astounding total of $45,450, less than $5K short of the $50K crowd-funding limit specified by the Star Trek fan film guidelines.

Along the way, the Farragut folks have released numerous behind-the-scenes photos and videos, each more exciting and enticing than the last. You can view three of those videos at the bottom of this blog.

Earlier this evening, Farragut Forward released an exciting short trailer for the full film and announced a premiere date of October 1, 2024. And from what can be seen below, this is one Star Trek fan film that is virtually guaranteed to be considered one of the best of all time. Take a look…

Announcing the 2024 Star Trek Fan Film SHOWRUNNER AWARD WINNERS!

Happy 58th Star Trek Anniversary, everyone! It’s September 8, 2024, and that means it’s time to announce the winners of the third annual Star Trek Fan Film SHOWRUNNER AWARDS!

As usual, I’d like to begin by shouting a huge THANK YOU to my eleven judges (I was the twelfth). Here are the names of each of our judges and the fan films and/or series they run…


These dedicated fan filmmakers each needed to view nearly nine hours of 27 submitted Star Trek fan films—plus four 2-minute short scene entries—as well as record their choices. Every judge ranked their top five selections in each of 23 categories, with their top choice earning 10 points, second choice earning 7 points, then 5, 3, and 1 points for choices three through five. A judge was not allowed to vote for a fan film they themselves submitted as any of their top three selections.

Let me assure you, this was no easy task! Several judges reported keeping tally sheets with scores for each film, and many of them took advantage of the full two and a half months provided for getting their final ballots submitted. (And yes, there was some urgent nagging involved in a few cases as the deadline got closer.)

One of my favorite aspects of the Showrunner Awards (similar to the DIRECTORS CHOICE AWARDS) is that each of our judges possess insights into the entire production process from conception through release. As such, filmmakers who submit their projects can be confident that those fan films are being judged by knowledgeable and experienced peers who know exactly what to look for when making their final decisions.

This year’s entrants included a couple of 800-pound mugatos who took the lion’s share (mugato’s share?) of awards, as tends to happen with fan films. Fortunately, with 23 categories and three tiers in each—first place (Admiral Award), second place (Captain Award), and third place (Commander Award)—there are more than enough honors to go around. And I am happy to say that, out of 27 Star Trek fan films that were entered, 24 earned at least one award. So even if a fan film didn’t win Best Writer or Director, it could still win for Best Musical Score or Best Hair & Make-Up…more than enough categories and awards to go around!

Scroll to the bottom of this page for a final tally of how many awards each film received. And you can view all entered fan films on this YouTube playlist.

Continue reading “Announcing the 2024 Star Trek Fan Film SHOWRUNNER AWARD WINNERS!”


Fans are about to see a true rarity in the world of Star Trek fan films: a crossover of multiple fan series to create a three-part story! The closest fan films came to something like this previously was a couple of years ago when two of the creative groups from POTEMKIN PICTURES got together to present a crossover of fan-series STARSHIP DEIMOS and KLINGON SCOUTSHIP QAB’ELTH. In that “tag-team,” the two episodes actually intersected, featuring the same sequences seen from different points of view.

But now we have something entire new and different, thanks to GARY DAVIS, RANDY WRENN, and the folks at DOMINION MEDIA. For the past decade, DREADNOUGHT DOMINION has entertained fans with the exploits of that titular starship and her gallant crew. More recently, Gary constructed a full set of a TOS-era runabout craft in his basement and launched the spin-off series PROJECT: RUNABOUT, which released its “PILOT” episode in 2021 followed by its second episode, “YORKTOWN,” a year later.

However, there was no new Project: Runabout released during the following year, in part because Gary and Randy were busy launching their third Dominion Media fan series, WARBIRD VALDORE, set aboard a Romulan vessel and told from the point of view of her captain and crew.

With three separate fan series now in active development, it didn’t take Gary and Randy very long to decide to run a single storyline through all of them for a special crossover fan film event. Of course, the fan film guidelines can be a little persnickety on multi-part stories, so the guys set up the three films to each tell a self-contained story without any “cliffhanger” endings. However, a larger plot line will link the productions together for fans who decide to view all three releases in order.

And that order begins with the third installment of Project: Runabout, an episode entitled “IT’S ALL DONE WITH MIRRORS.” Take a look…

Having already interviewed Gary and Randy more times than I can count (not that I don’t absolutely love those two guys!), I asked them if perhaps we could do a video interview with the cast of the series and get to know those actors a little better. Nearly everyone was more than happy to oblige, and we had a really fun time chatting together. I invite you to join the (landing) party…

Announcing the WINNERS of the first-ever TREKS IN 90 SECS contest!

Well, that didn’t take long! What I mean is that the first-ever TREKS IN 90 SECS contest is now completed, and we have our winners. In the end, nearly 250 votes were cast within a 3-week period—with each voter being allowed to choose up to three favorite ultra-short Star Trek fan films with runtimes between 90 and 120 seconds.

The whole idea behind Treks in 90 Secs was to challenge the assumption that it was impossible to make a decent Star Trek fan film 15 minutes or less in length (a limit set by CBS and Paramount’s fan film guidelines). Not only did fans quickly prove that it was possible, fan films have thrived these past eight years despite this limit. So if fans were clever enough to cut things down to 15 minutes, could they be even more clever enough to cut things down to just 90 seconds???

Apparently, the answer was a resounding yes! Nine groups of fans and fan filmmakers took up the gauntlet to submit ultra-short films to our inaugural contest. Submissions were due at the end of July, and voting was open on Fan Film Factor from August 4th through 25th.

Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place have now been given to the top three vote-getting fan films who now get to brag and copy-paste their “certificate” graphics onto their YouTube, Facebook, and social media pages. But all of the nine submissions are winners in my book—for taking up the challenge in the first place and finishing their super-mini-fan films! And that’s why I’m including all nine submissions on this page, along with their final vote totals (as everyone got at least some votes), so fans can see each of the submitted films…

COOPER (21 votes)


WRATH REDUX (17 votes)



BLUE STUFF? (12 votes)

Remember to VOTE for your favorite TREKS IN 90 SECS fan film…and other updates!

Hey there, folks! Jonathan has returned from a very nice (and hot!) summer vacation with extended family, and I’m ready to dive back into Star Trek fan films (instead of diving into the pool)!

First up, I wanted to remind you all to please vote for your favorite (up to three favorites) TREKS IN 90 SECS ultra-short Star Trek fan film(s). Click here to cast your ballot! We have nine entries for our inaugural contest, and since each one is between 90 and 120 seconds, you can watch all nine of them in less than 15 minutes! And there are some real gems in the mix. It looks like about 60 people have voted so far (assuming each person voted for the maximum of three films), but there’s still two weeks left to register your preference(s)—voting closes at midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, August 25.

And speaking of voting, I’m excited to say that ten of the twelve SHOWRUNNER AWARDS judges have now submitted their completed ballots, leaving only two whom I still have to nag. That means that everything is on schedule to announce this year’s winners on September 8.

Meanwhile, it’s a good thing I’m rested, because fan filmmakers have certainly been busy lately! I’m currently setting up interviews with the creators behind the latest PROJECT: RUNABOUT fan film “IT’S ALL DONE WITH MIRRORS,”and I’ll be covering SAM COCKINGS’ latest opus, PRODIGY RECKONING (episode 3 just premiered this weekend with some stellar acting performances along with Sam’s usual awesome CGI effects) once a few more episodes are released.

Also on short-range scanners are a new release, BETWEEN TWO WORLDS, from JOSHUA IRWIN and a brand new fan filmmaker due out in a few weeks, as well as the highly-anticipated FARRAGUT FORWARD, set to debut extremely soon. FARRAGUT FILMS showrunner JOHN BROUGHTON says it will be a “game-changer,” and from what has been shared by him and director JOHNNY K. so far, I truly believe John is making a serious understatement!

And finally, I’m working hard to set up a pair of video interviews with two different groups of German fan filmmakers. The first group, EUDERION – INFINITY, has been releasing Star Trek fan films for more than 16 years! The other group, LORELEY, are relative newcomers who have quickly leapfrogged to doing some of the most advanced fan filmmaking currently in active production.

And of course, I am certain that there will be more…LOTS more! This is truly the golden age of Star Trek fan films, my friends, with so much to watch and enjoy. And I’m here to cover as much of it as I can.

Remember to vote for Treks in 90 Secs, and I’ll be blogging again soon!

NEUTRAL ZONE STUDIOS holds its final shoot in KINGSLAND, GA…so what’s next? (interview with JOSHUA IRWIN, part 2)

In part one, I reported on the dismantling on the TOS sets at NEUTRAL ZONE STUDIOS in Kingsland, GA, beginning this past weekend. The disassembly is in preparation for a planned move to a new facility, likely somewhere in central Florida (significantly closer to where set owner RAY TEST lives in Baca Raton). A final location has not yet been decided upon, but Ray has narrowed down the choices. Numerous considerations go into the decision, including size of the space, electrical capabilities, A/C and other amenities, safety and accessibility of the new location, etc.

The move was necessitated when the previous next-door tenant at the Kingsland location moved away, leaving half of the building vacant and requiring significant repair costs for the roof on the empty side. The landlord, not wanting to cover the roofing expense while simultaneously being unable to generate half of the rent revenue for the building, has decided to sell it. The landlord is being very kind to Ray, not specifying any particular move-out deadline. Ray is nevertheless expediting the move, taking advantage of the hot summer months when Neutral Zone Studios typically closes for filming anyway.

Two weekends ago, fans and volunteers assembled at the facility for a final two-day shoot for a new episode of TALES FROM THE NEUTRAL ZONE, directed by JOSHUA IRWIN. In the conclusion of our two-part interview with Josh, we’re going to shift our focus to the shoot itself and the people who were there…

Continue reading “NEUTRAL ZONE STUDIOS holds its final shoot in KINGSLAND, GA…so what’s next? (interview with JOSHUA IRWIN, part 2)”


I had been planning to publish part 2 of the interview with JOSHUA IRWIN about the final shoot at NEUTRAL ZONE STUDIOS two weekends ago. However, that will have to wait until tomorrow, as I need to print a retraction and an apology to KASEY SHAFSKY for something that was inadvertently included in the interview that should not have been.

Josh, in commenting about Kasey (who has been hyper-critical of Neutral Zone Studios for quite a while), included the following remark: “Kasey Shafsky was a part of the first two or three STC episodes ten years ago and was not invited back.”

Kasey responded indignantly on social media with the following two posts…

Josh has asked me to publish the following response, verbatim, to Fan Film Factor

I likewise need to apologize to Kasey for publishing that portion of Josh’s interview. I listened again, and it wasn’t clear whether Josh meant for that part to be off the record, but I should have double-checked with him. My apologies to both Kasey and Josh for that oversight.

I will say that others have mentioned to me in passing that Kasey was not directly involved with the production of STC episodes nor was he in attendance during shoots beyond the third episode of the series, although he did reportedly visit the sets from time to time. It was for this reason that I felt comfortable in including Josh’s comment in the interview.

However, no one has agreed to go on record in confirming (or denying) any of those above statements, so I cannot officially confirm nor deny them other than to say, “I was told off the record.” If anyone wishes to comment on the record, please feel free to post something in the comments or contact me directly. Otherwise, my apology to Kasey stands.

Part 2 of Josh’s interview will appear tomorrow.