Yes, folks, there are still other Star Trek fan films out there, and DEIMOS is one of them. Formerly known as the fan series Starship Deimos, the umbrella”brand” POTEMKIN PICTURES has now dropped their fan series names (because the fan film guidelines prohibit it) and simply has tabs for each of their five endeavors, sorted by production crew. You can view episodes from all the teams on the Potemkin Pictures website. Deimos is based in Alabama and led by Potemkin Pictures creative head RANDY LANDERS.
The latest offering from the Deimos crew (their fourth production), the 11-minute long “The Archive,” features all of the main Starfleet characters plus a Romulan captain from their previous episode. Like the rest of the Potemkin Pictures fan films, what this low/no-budget production lacks in style and pizzazz, they make up for in heart and dedication. You can view “The Archive” below…