In the TOS episode “Whom Gods Destroy,” Kirk mentions that Garth’s exploits were required reading at Starfleet Academy. Well, if you’re a fan of AXANAR and ALEC PETERS, then the video below should be considered “required viewing.”
AXACON took place last November in Atlanta, and about 30 people attended. However, knowing that there were thousands and thousands more supporters of Axanar who wouldn’t be able to make it, Alec hired a video crew to film every panel—along with several interviews with the guests—through the 3-day weekend event. About ten of these interviews have already been released for early viewing to ARES STUDIOS Patreon donors, with about half of those now posted publicly to YouTube. (You can view all of the public Axacon videos here.)
The latest video to be released to the public debuted on Friday evening as a livecast on YouTube. Since then, it’s been viewed nearly a thousand times…and with good reason. It’s a really FANtastic panel…especially if you love Axanar. And for me, it was probably my favorite panel of the weekend. Why, you ask?
Well, it was an exhausting weekend…three days of non-stop fun mixed with hard work and little sleep (or was it hard work mixed with fun and almost no sleep?) where I conducted countless interviews and led seemingly endless panels. And honestly, I totally don’t know how to lead panels! I’m not sure if there are classes in it, but it there are, I never took any of them. So for most of the weekend I was flying by the seat of my pants and getting terrorized by J.G. HERTZLER and GARY F-ING GRAHAM. (You’ll need to watch my interviews with them to get that joke…and some haven’t been released yet.)
By the time we got to the “Elite of the Fleet” panel—the next-to-last of the weekend—I was totally spent. You can tell it from watching the video below. But now I had to lead STEVE JEPSON and Alec as we discussed Admiral Slater and Garth. I’d already interviewed Steve about Slater a few hours earlier, and Alec had already spoken on another panel about Garth. So I just kinda winged it…as did Steve and Alec.
To my utter surprise, this exhausted trio managed to have a fascinating and lively discussion—just three obsessed Axanerds chatting about their favorite fan film. It’s the kind of geeked-out conversation we fans love to have from time to time, and it was totally engaging and fun. Each of us got ample time to talk, and everything was SO interesting.
And then a very unexpected and special “moment” happened.
Five minutes before the end of the panel, Alec choked up…really choked up. It was four years of a dream interrupted—all of the adversity, all of the headwinds, the tauntings and detractions, all of the letdowns and setbacks—all of it coming up against this weekend of triumph when we all “felt the love” once again. It was Alec being told by the widow of STEVE IHNAT (the actor who originally played Garth) that her late husband would have been very happy with what Alec is doing. Talking about that moment brought Alec Peters to tears.
Some people out there won’t get it, won’t like it, will try to belittle or dismiss it. I don’t care. For me, the moment was magical…and very, very real. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t given up on Axanar or Alec Peters.
So yeah, if you’re an Axafan, consider this video required viewing…
And if you have some extra time left over, Steve Jepson mentions during the panel the interview that he and I did a few hours earlier, and it’s available below, as well. I had only met Steve two days earlier, but he quickly became one of my favorite people on the planet. Our discussion about Admiral Slater became so intriguing that I now want to see a fan film focused solely on him!
Anyway, here’s that interview, too…
I would say that with certain, that both videos are required reading.
But then again I am very partial to Slater!
I’ve been through 3 ‘wars’ in my military career… Alex, you got it right. Not the grunts and ground, but the wrong leader at the wrong time. Sad but true. DePite what the detractors say I really connected with Your vision. Jonathan, thank your for your Perseverance. I don’t know why the haters have latched on, but I would invite any of them who have not t tasted combat to visit the world of my fellow warriors who have made it possible for you to have the freedom to expand on the vision of Gene. For the record please Google Dayton Ohio and Beavercreek Ohio Memorial Day Tornados if you want to argue. 20 year veteran
Those tornadoes were devastating, Richard. I hope you’re okay. I experienced a near-tornado once in DFW Airport. We were deplaned and told to scramble into the bathrooms. I looked out the windows at noon and the sky was black. I couldn’t even see the plane out the window next to the gate. It was terrifying.
As for the detractors latching onto me, it’s simply because I have the gumption to stick up for Alec publicly and unapologetically. I make it harder for them to claim total or even partial victory. And the most disturbing thing for a “true believer” like the detractors is to have someone believe, just as fervently, the opposite. It’s the basis of religious wars and political schisms. Personally, I wish we could all just get along. Even if Alec were some sort of antichrist, hasn’t this badgering gone on long enough? Isn’t it time to just let him get on with life…whether or not he ever makes Axanar? They say it’s taking Alec too long to deliver his fan film. Well, I say it’s taking them too long to let it go and move on.
At first seeing Alec as Garth he didn’t resonate . Alec was ‘good’ but he didn’t have that “60s/’Desi’lu sexual swag like the original scenes & actor . The two things that changed my view we’re the pic of Alec at his desk With that, “I’m running this” look on his face . & Then re’ viewing the scene of Garth coming to his senses . A senseable man with the caliber of humility addressing those around him he wanted to recall . Alec has created a triumph but kinda like the last scene of Blade Runner … “It’s too bad she won’t live .” !!!
Alec is the first to admit that he was “walking with giants” when it came to acting in Prelude. Each of those actors was a veteran of the craft with decades of experience honing their methods and performances. Alec has simply taken a bunch of acting classes with Richard Hatch. Alec knew he was out of his league, but he wasn’t deterred. He joined those giants and walked beside them, even though his small steps could never keep up with their huge strides. He tried nonetheless. I doubt most of us could do any better on our best day.
Anyone who says “Alec can’t act” just doesn’t get it. This was a Star Trek fan making his dream come true playing Garth of Izar. Somehow, he convinced five veteran Star Trek and sci-fi actors to join him. That’s what a FAN film is all about…fans stepping up and standing out. And even though Alec’s performance wasn’t as dynamic or polished as the others, he certainly held his own. And I am honored that he’ll be playing Garth in my fan film, as well.
I was one of the 30, although I missed that panel. I was also fortunate enough to get a copy of Inhat’s biography and get both the widow and the author to sign it. We are all the lesser because of his early death. I had my son drive us home so I could read Inhat’s autobiography. It’s fantastic that Alec got to meet her and get her approval. I had my doubts about the production, even though I am a contributor, simply because of all the financial losses because of the lawsuit. Although the decision to create a studio was not part of what I backed, I didn’t have a problem with it because I believe it would have been better financially in the long run and was worth the risk. The lawsuit crushed that, but that was hardly predictable. I was confident in Alec despite the problems, and having met him, I am still confident. But for the lawsuit, this would have been over by now. I wish things would go faster but there’s only so much money and so many volunteer hours to go around. Man’s got to earn a living, challenging enough after uprooting himself and moving across the country.
Man, Scott, you are an Axanar detractor’s worst nightmare: a donor who gets it! 🙂