Back in early 2021, 455 Films, the folks who brought fans FOR THE LOVE OF SPOCK and DEEP SPACE NINE: WHAT WE LEFT BEHIND, held a new crowd-funding campaign for their third Star Trek-themed documentary film, TO THE JOURNEY – LOOKING BACK AT STAR TREK: VOYAGER. The previous two productions each took in about $650K from donors. But the Voyager documentary blasted past those numbers, doubling total contributions with more than $1.3 million from 12.4K backers—plus an additional $50K from a second Indiegogo in 2022 funding a series of special theatrical premieres when the film was completed.
Three premieres are happening this month, the first of which took place on Thursday night at the Paramount Theater at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. The second will be next Tuesday in New York City on the upper West Side (in the same space that houses The Leonard Nimoy Theater), and the final one will take place in London at the Princess Anne Theatre on November 21.
If you don’t have tickets for these premieres yet, you likely won’t be able to get them (at least, not cheaply!), as they were offered exclusively to donors and were gone pretty quickly! Indeed, I missed my opportunity a few months ago by waiting too long. However, my good friend (and fan film donor-tuned-producer-turned-actor) RAY MYERS had an extra ticket and offered it to me. In exchange, I offered Ray our guest bedroom to save on hotel costs while he’s in Los Angeles (Ray lives near Dallas, TX). And thanks to a series of severe tornadic storms rolling through the central Texas on Friday, all return flights into Dallas were canceled, and I get to host my friend a whole extra day!

No sooner had Ray and I arrived at Paramount at 6pm Thursday—me in my Picard season 3 jacket and Fan Film Factor shirt; Ray dressed much more casually and debonaire—than I noticed L.A.-based fan filmmaker DAVID CHENG, also wearing a Picard season 3 jacket…

So yeah, we matched. And quite a few attendees came in uniform to the premiere, ranging from TNG to Voyager to First Contact to Picard-era—along with some creative variants. Ray was put to work almost immediately checking in people by a friend of his who was one of the event organizers….

That gave David and me a chance to hang out in the lobby, chat, and take a few photos…
Continue reading “TO THE JOURNEY – LOOKING BACK AT STAR TREK: VOYAGER premiered Thursday night at PARAMOUNT in Hollywood! (report and review)”