DON’T PANIC!!! – NEW VOYAGES and AXANAR websites both go offline temporarily

NV and Axanar

Yesterday, fan rumors began furiously flying when two separate fan series websites were suddenly unavailable at the same time!  Was this some new offensive by CBS and Paramount to shut down all fan films???

Stand down from red alert, folks.  It turns out that nothing so earth-shattering happened.  In the case of Axanar‘s website, the glitch appears to have been just that, and the site is back up and running normally.

In the case of Star Trek: New Voyages, the disappearance of their main U.S. website was explained on their international Facebook page:

Continue reading “DON’T PANIC!!! – NEW VOYAGES and AXANAR websites both go offline temporarily”

STAR TREK: NEW VOYAGES Facebook page taken off-line by JAMES CAWLEY

Fans became concerned earlier today when the Star Trek: New Voyages/Phase II Facebook page went off-line.  After Tommy Kraft was urged by CBS to shut down Star Trek: Federation Rising earlier this week, fans worried that the venerable and highly-popular New Voyages would be next!

Star Trek New Voyages InternationalThanks to the following posting on the New Voyages INTERNATIONAL Facebook page, fans can rest a little easier:

Some people have noticed that the Star Trek New Voyages / Phase II Facebook page, run by James Cawley, has been taken offline. This is his statement: “You may tell folks, I have taken the facebook page offline personally. It has nothing to do with CBS.”

This Facebook page will continue to represent the fan film project.

Fulfilling a 30-Year Promise to the “Grandmother of Trek”

Mind-Sifter CoverIf you’re a true Star Trek fan, you should watch “Mind-Sifter,” the latest episode released from Star Trek: New Voyages.

(NOTE: Two weeks after this blog was posted, New Voyages released another episode, “The Holiest Thing,” but this entry is about its predecessor, “Mind-Sifter,” which was released in December of 2014.)

You shouldn’t watch “Mind-Sifter” simply because it’s a well-constructed, well-acted, and well-produced story.  And you shouldn’t watch it simply because it feels like good Star Trek.

Mind-Sifter 1 - Shirley Maieski
Shirley S. Maiewski a.k.a. “Grandma Trek”.

No, you should watch it to honor the memory of an amazing woman who almost single-handedly helped to define, grow, and nurture Star Trek fandom while it was still in its infancy.  I dare say that we all wouldn’t be here today celebrating Star Trek as passionately as we do if it weren’t for Shirley S. Maiewski, also known as “Grandma Trek.” Continue reading “Fulfilling a 30-Year Promise to the “Grandmother of Trek””