Yes, my friends, AXANAR is really (finally!) happening. And before some of you say, “Ha! I’ll believe it when I see it!” ALEC PETERS has now put out a call for volunteers the weekend of October 4-6, 2019. J.G. HERTZLER is confirmed to be in Lawrenceville, GA for that weekend, the bridge set is 99% complete, costumes are being made, and actors and extras are being cast. This is for real, folks.
The last time that Axanar was scheduled to start filming with actors and crew and volunteers confirmed, it was supposed to be the first week of February, 2016. I had blocked off time to be at the Valencia, CA studio the morning of the second day of shooting. Unfortunately, a few “minor” snags came up (like a hundred and fifty million dollar lawsuit!), and no footage for Axanar beyond “The Vulcan Scene” was ever shot.
Well, it’s been a long road…getting from there to here. The studio moved across country from California to Georgia in 2017; Axacon happened last November; Ares Digital 1, 2, and 3 were all started (and version 3.0 is about to launch…finally!); and most recently, the first fan film of a fan film, my Axanar Universe project INTERLUDE, was announced and began crowd-funding (donate here…we’re nearly 38% of the way to our goal!).
But now, shooting on Axanar is officially set to begin in just 15 more weeks! Amusingly, Alec had scheduled his shoot to happen the weekend right after my shoot for Interlude. That would potentially allow us to utilize the same actors and extras on the USS Ares bridge (and also lower my costume manufacturing costs if I could use those same tunics for my production). But a scheduling conflict for one of my directors popped up unexpectedly for September, and so I rescheduled my shoot to the first weekend of November…four weeks after Alec’s shoot. With luck, his actors and extras will still be available for Interlude, as well. Fingers crossed!
On Wednesday, Alec published a blog outlining the three locations where filming and sound recording would be happening: Ares Studios, a nearby professional studio for green screen interviews, and a sound studio for the audio drama version of the full Axanar script. He also went on to list the various people who are already assigned to tasks (like PAUL JENKINS as director) as well as volunteer positions that are open for supporters (local and non-local) who wish to participate and help. These jobs include production and personal assistants; staffing, location, and transportation coordinators; drivers and security personnel.
The full text of the blog appears below…
Our first shoot date is set for the first weekend in October. Friday – Sunday, October 4-6th. We are now working on staffing these shoot dates.
1) We are going to try and shoot the bridge scenes on Friday, but this is a heavy lift with a dozen actors, so this may get pushed to its own weekend. We may just shoot JG Hertzler’s bridge scenes this weekend, then shoot Garth’s scenes another weekend.
2) We have three locations ATM. Ares Studios for bridge scenes, a professional film studio for the green screen interviews, and a recording studio for the audio drama. We will have Producers and Directors at each, and need staff for each location.
3) Each location will have its own Producer in charge of everything that happens there. He will have a Location Coordinator helping with location needs including schedule/transportation/catering.
4) Staffing priority is as follows:
1. Donors who signed up for Producer and Production Assistant roles.
2. Atlanta volunteers, based on seniority
3. All other Axanar fans.
But we will need plenty of people, so if you can commit, we would love to have you.

There will be 3 “divisions” within the production:
PRODUCTION – Will shoot one day for all bridge scenes and two days of green screen interviews.
Director – Paul Jenkins
Producer – Alec Peters
Line Producer – TBD
BTS VIDEO – Behind the Scenes team will be responsible for all BTS video. This includes interviews with all talent and crew for all BTS features.
Director – TBD
Producer – TBD
AUDIO – Recording of all audio for the audio drama.
Director – Mark Edward Lewis
Producer – Dana Wagner
Jobs to fill:
Production Assistants – This is the main job we need filled as we need a bunch of you to do this! You will go wherever we need you to do whatever! Easiest if you have no film experience. You may be working on the set, with talent, getting pizza or who knows!
Personal Assistant – You will be assigned to a specific actor and be their personal assistant for the entire time they are in Atlanta. You must be available all weekend so the actor has a single point of contact.
Staffing Coordinator – Will be in charge of coordinating all staff at all three locations (Ares Studios, Dana’s Studio, Secondary Studio). Reports to the line Producer.
Location Coordinator – Will be in charge of coordinating everything that happens at the locations (Ares Studios, Dana’s Studio, Secondary Studio). We need 3.
Transportation Coordinator – Will be in charge of coordinating all drivers for talent and all parking at studio. You should be good working with people and organized.
Driver – Drive talent to the three different locations. Please have a nice car, and preferably on the large side. No Smart cars!
Security – Led by Dale, Don and Paul, all seasoned security professionals, these guys will secure our set and locations, making sure no unwanted individuals try to cause trouble.
DONORS – If you signed up to be a Producer or Production Assistant, please email me directly (alec at axanarproductions dot com) or message me on Facebook.
VOLUNTEERS – If you are in the Atlanta Volunteer Group, answer the post there. If not, please message me on Facebook, or email me.
Everyone who helps gets fed and screen credit!
So he’s got funding secured? That’s great. Nothing can stop y’all now!
No idea about the funding, Ken. I’m just worrying about funding my own fan film! 🙂
That’s funny, there’s a whole lot of detail there except for one very important question… or maybe 200,000 questions. Where’s your funding?
You’ve been going on for months that you need $200,000 to make your shorts but you supposedly have no money (except to sue people apparently). It’s a bold move to be publicly setting a date before all your biscuits are in the bag. Commitments have always been fluid for you so we’ll see if this one holds up.
I suppose we will! 🙂
Miss Congeniality pops up again. Does anyone else question what Sandy will do to fill the deep void after Axanar is complete? Can’t believe there’s a big calling for whatever it is he attempts to do here.
Well Mr Lambert I’m surprised this isn’t a question you and every other supporter isn’t asking. Everyone knows that Peters has said he needs $200k and everyone knows that he hasn’t done any fundraising. So do you just lap up every word of his as the gospel without question? Any rational thinking person would wonder how he’s going to pull off this schedule with no money.
Maybe he’ll use the money he’s earmarked for his lawsuits for the shoot instead.
Personally, I play the lottery. 😉
(By the way, if win $25 million, I refund everyone’s donations AND send out thank you gifts!)
When does the fundraising start?
Good question. Ask Alec. 🙂
YAY! This is great news.
When it happens it will be nice to see. As of now I’m not too excited and yes I will believe it when I see it.
After all it’s been 5 years and nothing has come of it.
I can’t see anyone getting excited over this with all that has happened.
I find your last sentence somewhat hard to accept, Bird.
I’m a little confused. Richard Hatch died. How will this influence things? Or have things changed and you are just remaking it from scratch?
Since it’s being filmed as a documentary like Prelude to Axanar, the “back story” could potentially be that Kharn the Undying, um, died between getting commentary from him for episode III and filming footage of him for the following episodes IV and V.
The Klingon who will be commenting in the sequels is Kharn’s mentor, Thought Admiral Mor’o.
Yeah that makes sense. I look forward to seeing this finally come to fruition! Thanks for the quick response!
You’re welcome, Richard. I happened to be home. 🙂