BLADE OF HONOR (interview), part 3

Cover 2Last time: Ryan T. Husk, executive producer of the independent sci-fi series Blade of Honor, discussed the cast and crew of this exciting new project that’s currently raising money for its pilot episode (and possibly more episodes!) via Kickstarter. This web series features a number of Star Trek actors like Tim Russ, Aaron Eisenberg, and Cirroc Lofton, plus professional actors from other series, including Richard Hatch of Battlestar Galactica and James Kyson from Heroes. There’s also a bunch of veterans from Star Trek fan films like New Voyages and Horizon.

Ryan’s insights into to film industry have been fascinating, to say the least! As our interview concludes, we start off by discussing what differentiates an independent film from a fan film. And then we jump into how to set up and run a crowd-funding campaign… Continue reading “BLADE OF HONOR (interview), part 3”

CBS/PARAMOUNT’s answer to AXANAR counter-claim may have given a “gift” to the AXANAR legal team

Axanar logoFour weeks ago, I wrote a very impassioned op-ed decrying that Trekkers should be fans and not lawyers.  I am now going to turn myself into a complete hypocrite and become an armchair attorney myself…partly because of the shameless reason that it seems to boost readership of one’s blog but also because I think there’s a fascinating details about the latest Axanar lawsuit news that’s not being reported at the moment.

Continue reading “CBS/PARAMOUNT’s answer to AXANAR counter-claim may have given a “gift” to the AXANAR legal team”

STARSHIP FARRAGUT completes re-shoots on their finale “Homecoming”

Farragut HomecomingThe long running fan series STARSHIP FARRAGUT is currently in production on its final episode, “Homecoming.”  After that episode is released, Farragut Films will transition into a new movie-era fan series to be called FARRAGUT FORWARD.  You can read more about that new series here.

In the meantime, Starship Farragut‘s final episode had initially shot a series of exterior scenes last October.  But as post-production ramped up, the producers felt that the footage and performances from these October shoots could be enhanced and improved for a better final product.

Over the past weekend (and also during a weekend last month), Farragut re-shot those exterior scenes…and they report that the results will bode very well for the overall quality of their swan song episode.

For people who complain that fan films suffer from poor acting and a general lack of quality, this is a wonderful example of a fan series going the extra mile to present the best finished product possible.  So a big hand for Starship Farragut!

STAR TREK: RENEGADES confirms veteran Trek actors will be part of their cast!

Renegades actorsAfter last week’s announcement confirming that Nichelle Nichols had joined the cast of Star Trek: Renegades to reprise her iconic role of Nyota Uhura, the production confirmed that actor Alan Ruck would also be reprising his role of John Harriman, captain of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701B, from Star Trek Generations.  Ruck previously played Harriman in the fan film Star Trek: Of Gods and Men.  Ruck is also well known for playing the role of Cameron Frye in the 1980’s hit movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and also as a regular on the long-running TV series Spin City (although reading his IMDb page is like looking at the phone book!).

Renegades executive producer Sky Conway also confirmed that Terry Farrell would be appearing in their two-part finale episode “The Requiem,” reprising her role of Jadzia.  This has left fans scratching their heads, as it was widely assumed at the end of DS9‘s sixth season that the Jadzia host died and the Dax symbiont was transplanted into Ezri (otherwise, one might have thought Worf would be at Jadzia’s bedside constantly as she recovered).  However, it’s worth noting that Sky Conway’s announcement did say simply “Jadzia” and not “Jadzia Dax.”  It’s also possible that Jadzia might be seen in some kind of flashback.  I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

And finally, Conway also confirmed that Renegades lead Adrienne Wilkinson will be returning to her role of Lexxa in the “Requiem” two-parter.  These actors will be joining other Star Trek veterans like Tim “Tuvok” Russ, Cirroc “Jake Sisko” Lofton, and of course, Walter “Pavel Chekov” Koenig in his farewell appearance as Chekov.

For more information about Star Trek: Renegades or to donate to their ambitious production, visit their website.

STAR TREK CONTINUES releases hilarious BLOOPERS for “Come Not Between the Dragons”

It you haven’t yet seen “Come Not Between the Dragons,” the sixth full-length episode of STAR TREK CONTINUES, you can click here to watch it.  It’s one of their best efforts yet.

And then once you see it, check out their blooper reel and you can see how much fun they all have on set making these fine fan-produced episodes…

BLADE OF HONOR (interview), part 2

Cover 3aLast time: we began a great conversation with Ryan T. Husk, executive producer of the new independent sci-fi series Blade of Honor, currently holding a Kickstarter campaign with a goal of $30,000 for its pilot webisode (which they’ve reached, but they’re now trying to raise enough for a second webisode!).

This exciting project stars a number of major Star Trek actors like Tim “Tuvok” Russ, Aaron “Nog” Eisenberg, and Cirroc “Jake Sisko” Lofton, plus professional actors from other series, including Richard Hatch of Battlestar Galactica and James Kyson from Heroes. There’s also a bunch of veterans from Star Trek fan films like New Voyages and Horizon.

Beyond simply talking about Blade of Honor itself, Ryan shared some amazing insights into what producers do in Hollywood and why the same people frequently seem to keep working together project after project after project. And that was just part 1!

So let’s jump right back in as we learn even more about what goes into an independent film production from the bottom up and top down….

Continue reading “BLADE OF HONOR (interview), part 2”

NICHELLE NICHOLS to reprise her role of UHURA one last time in STAR TREK: RENEGADES

Renegades UhuraWalter Koenig has already announced that he will be playing the character of Pavel Chekov one final time in the Star Trek: Renegades 2-part finale episode “The Requiem.”  Now it’s official that Nichelle Nichols will be joining him to reprise her role as Uhura (previously, she was only “in talks”).

Her scenes will be shooting in Los Angeles on June 22nd, and Renegades is offering fan donors a unique opportunity to attend the filming…for a $2,000 donation.  It might seem like a lot, but this will be the last time these two actors will be playing their characters together in the same scene(s), and that’s quite a special moment to see live (if you can afford it–I certainly can’t).

Here is the announcement from the Renegades Facebook page:

CONFIRMED. Nichelle Nichols will be reprising her role of Uhura in “The Requiem” parts I & II. We are so thrilled to be working with this science fiction and cultural legend. What is your favorite Uhura moment?
We want you to be a part of the historic “Legends Day” shoot on the 22nd! Join us to watch, in person, what is likely the FINAL TOS scene between two Original Series actors, portraying their beloved characters Chekov and Uhura. Follow this link to be a part of this momentous event, that is 50 years in the making:


PROJECT: POTEMKIN releases its latest episode!

Potemkin - Cover 2

The third episode of Project: Potemkin‘s fourth (and final) season–the 5-minute “Inquiry”–was recently posted online just weeks after their previous episode… continuing a run of rapid-fire new releases.

This latest episode reveals why Captain Grigory (played by actor Jeffrey Green) was called away from the USS Potemkin by Starfleet Command.  The episode features Jeffrey Green’s real-life wife, fellow actor Deborah Liss-Green, in a major guest starring role.

Watch “Inquiry” now!

Read PART 1 of our interview with Project: Potemkin creator RANDY LANDERS.

Read PART 2 of our interview with Project: Potemkin creator RANDY LANDERS.

STAR TREK: INTREPID temporarily suspends production on new episodes!

Intrepid2One of the longest-running Star Trek fan series still in production, Star Trek: Intrepid released its first episode just over nine years ago in late May of 2007.  Based in the town of Dundee, Scotland, Intrepid has produced seven original, live-action episodes plus two additional projects in conjunction with its American “sister series” Star Trek: Hidden Frontier.

On Thursday, Intrepid show-runner Nick Cook announced on their series Facebook page that his series would suspend production on any new episodes not already filmed and in post-production.  The reason Nick gave was the uncertain environment for Star Trek fan films at the moment due to the CBS/Paramount lawsuit and forthcoming new guidelines.

In comments after the post, Nick clarified the point: “This may not be permanent. We’ll see.”  His primary concern at the moment is that “[G]uidelines are coming. We have no idea what those will entail or if we’ll be able to continue under them. Until we have those answers, I cannot in good conscience ask people to work on things that we’ll never be able to finish. Once we have some answers we’ll be able to make that determination. But I ask that people respect that stance and not try and read anything more into it.”

Continue reading “STAR TREK: INTREPID temporarily suspends production on new episodes!”