CBS/Paramount files an AMENDED complaint against AXANAR

Axanar logoOn March 11, 2016, Paramount and CBS filed an amended complaint against Axanar Productions and Alec Peters for copyright infringement complaint, specifying precisely which elements of the Star Trek intellectual property that the two studios believe was illegally used without consent.

The original complaint was brought by Paramount and CBS on December 29, 2015.  Axanar’s legal team filed a response on February 22, 2016 seeking dismissal of the lawsuit on a number of legal grounds.  Presumably, that response is what has motivated Paramount and CBS to amend their complaint.

Here is a link to the text of the original lawsuit.

Here is a link to the text of Axanar‘s response.

Here is a link to the text of the AMENDED lawsuit.

Please note: Fan Film Factor is taking a neutral stance regarding this lawsuit and will simply announce developments as they happen.

For a more complete list of media coverage of this story, Axanar has provided this Press Room Page full of links to news reports and editorials regarding the lawsuit.

STALLED TREK: AMUTT TIME (interview with MARK LARGENT), part 1

Cover 1Okay, now I’ve seen everything!

Star Trek MUPPETS???  Well, why not?

Truth to tell, when I first found this little gem—entirely by accident on YouTube—I wasn’t expecting much. It looked silly, and I didn’t really get what the title meant.  And then I watched it. Hilarious! Brilliant! A perfect parody of one of the most classic fan-favorite TOS Star Trek episodes: “Amok Time.”

Continue reading “STALLED TREK: AMUTT TIME (interview with MARK LARGENT), part 1”

STAR TREK CONTINUES launches its latest crowd-funding campaign!

STC Indiegogo

The popular Star Trek Continues has just launched its first Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign.  Previous campaigns have been held on Kickstarter and have generated more than $340,000 in donations.

Their latest campaign has set a goal of $350,000.  If you want to help support Star Trek Continues, click on the link below to donate up until May 4:

STAR TREK: HORIZON (interview with TOMMY KRAFT), part 2

Cover 2Last time: we got our first look at the newest Star Trek fan film to take the online world by storm, Star Trek: Horizon. Since it debuted online seven days ago, it’s logged well over 300,000 views on YouTube! If you haven’t watched it yet, click that link in the opening sentence and do it. Do it NOW!!! (Imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice saying that.)

Seriously, though, this fan film is amazing, made even more so by the simple fact that it was filmed almost entirely in a basement against a green screen! It features trained actors, cutting edge quality visual effects, and an original composed musical score. Add to that a compelling story, engaging characters, solid directing, and top-notch editing…and you’ve got a MUST SEE fan film that both dazzles and delights. Continue reading “STAR TREK: HORIZON (interview with TOMMY KRAFT), part 2”

STAR TREK: HORIZON (interview with TOMMY KRAFT), part 1

Cover 1Man, are you guys ever in for a treat! The full-length Star Trek: Horizon has just been released to the general public, and it is a cinematic triumph of Trek fan films.

Show-runner Tommy Kraft gave me a special link to view the movie early. I’d watched barely the first 15 minutes when I shot him a Facebook IM saying simply “F—king WOW!”

Horizon (no ‘s’ at the end, folks!) starts out with a bang—several, in fact—and immediately lets the viewers know that they’re in for a wild and high-quality fan film ride. Continue reading “STAR TREK: HORIZON (interview with TOMMY KRAFT), part 1”

AXANAR files legal response to CBS/Paramount Lawsuit

Axanar logoOn February 22, 2016, the legal team for Axanar Productions and Alec Peters, the firm of Winston & Strawn LLP, filed a response to the copyright infringement complaint that was brought by Paramount and CBS on December 29, 2015.  The response seeks a dismissal of the complaint on a number of legal grounds.

Here is a link to the text of the original lawsuit.

Here is a link to the text of Axanar‘s response.

Please note: Fan Film Factor is taking a neutral stance regarding this lawsuit and will simply announce developments as they happen.

For a more complete list of media coverage of this story, Axanar has provided this Press Room Page full of links to news reports and editorials regarding the lawsuit.


Digital Ghost-coverIt was the dawn of the Modern Age of Fan Films…

Although fan films date back to the early days of the original Star Trek series, it wasn’t until the mid-1990s that fans were finally able to create something with off-the-shelf consumer products that looked like more than just a crappy home movie.  By the late 90s, fans could record and edit footage using digital cameras, do their own 3D effects and Chroma-keying, and even add music through the use of MIDI.  Many fans were also getting quite good at costuming.  Suddenly, the only limits facing fans who wanted to make their own filmed versions of their favorite genre franchises were their imaginations, creativity, and skills with these new technologies.

Continue reading “DIGITAL GHOST (feature)”


Aurora-coverIn today’s world of cutting-edge Star Trek fan films, teams of dozens—sometimes hundreds!—work to make these ambitious cinematic endeavors come to life on YouTube, Vimeo, or even a DVD or Blu-ray.

So it’s definitely worth taking notice when a top-tier Trek fan film is produced by only ONE man.  Well, I should qualify that.  His first episode cast was comprised of 17 people (including the creator himself and his wife Jeannette), the original music was composed by John Catney, and a number of CGI 3D meshes and textures were created by other artists.  But everything else – the writing, directing, producing, sets, make-up, wardrobe, lighting, sound, camera angles, editing, and 3D animation – that was all in the hands of one guy: Tim Vining.

And he never even had to get out of his chair!

Continue reading “STAR TREK: AURORA (feature)”