With STAR TREK: DISCOVERY delayed, are FAN FILMS needed now more than ever?

Have you ever sat in the audience for something–a concert, a stage play, or a seminar–and there was an unexpected delay?  Maybe there were technical problems, or maybe someone was stuck in traffic.  Whatever the reason, as things took longer and longer to get started, was the audience becoming impatient? Maybe you were lucky and … Continue reading “With STAR TREK: DISCOVERY delayed, are FAN FILMS needed now more than ever?”

List of Fan Films (newest blogs first)

Articles and interviews spotlighting the fantastic world of fan films and the fascinating folks who make them. Viewing log entries: NEWEST FIRST                 Click to View:   Alphabetically     or     By Rating STARSHIP FARRAGUT, Part 1 (2004 to 2007) STARSHIP FARRAGUT, Part 2 (2008 to 2010) STARSHIP FARRAGUT, Part 3 (2011 to 2016) STARSHIP FARRAGUT – “Homecoming” … Continue reading “List of Fan Films (newest blogs first)”

List of Fan Films (alphabetically)

Articles and interviews spotlighting the fantastic world of fan films and the fascinating folks who make them. Viewing log entries: ALPHABETICALLY                 Click to View:   Newest First      or     By Rating THE VERY BEST OF STAR TREK FAN FILMS (special video) Created by Fan Film Factor blogger  JONATHAN LANE, this special video compilation features clips from … Continue reading “List of Fan Films (alphabetically)”

The 2023 SHOWRUNNER AWARDS now have their final 21 entries!

Submissions for this year’s Star Trek Fan Film SHOWRUNNER AWARDS are now complete. It feels like only yesterday when I announced the entrants for last year’s inaugural competition! (Well, maybe not yesterday…but certainly not a full year ago!!!) For our previous running, we had a whopping 38 Star Trek fan films submitted, totaling just a … Continue reading “The 2023 SHOWRUNNER AWARDS now have their final 21 entries!”

Star Trek fan filmmakers pay tribute to BARBARA READER following her passing…

Yesterday, fans found out that BARBARA READER finally lost her years-long battle with cancer. May her soul soar over the undiscovered country and across the final frontier. If you’re not familiar with Barbara but you’re a fan of Star Trek fan films, she gave our community a precious gift: The STAR TREK REVIEWED blog site. … Continue reading “Star Trek fan filmmakers pay tribute to BARBARA READER following her passing…”

DISCOVERY’s penultimate episode “There Is a Tide” is the series’ BEST YET! (editorial review)

NEW YEAR, NEW SPOILERS I know that some of you out there read my editorial reviews either before or instead of watching STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. This time, please take my word for it: don’t. Watch the episode first. And if you don’t usually watch Discovery or gave up on it (and if you have access), … Continue reading “DISCOVERY’s penultimate episode “There Is a Tide” is the series’ BEST YET! (editorial review)”

POTEMKIN is now in LEXINGTON (Kentucky) and invites locals to a PRE-PRODUCTION meeting October 26!

The eagle has landed…or more precisely, the LANDERS have landed. I refer, of course, to RANDY LANDERS, the show-runner of POTEMKIN PICTURES, and his wife. Mrs. R. recently got a new job in a new state, and so the two of them have just moved from Pelham, Alabama, about six hours away to Lexington, Kentucky. … Continue reading “POTEMKIN is now in LEXINGTON (Kentucky) and invites locals to a PRE-PRODUCTION meeting October 26!”

STAR TREK: HIDDEN FRONTIER (feature), part 1

As I mentioned in a few of my previous articles, the dawn of the “modern age of Star Trek fan films” arrived in the year 2000 with the release onto the Internet of Star Trek: Hidden Frontier.  It was the quintessential fan film: Trekkie actors with little or no formal training, cheap store-bought or home-made costumes, zero budget, … Continue reading “STAR TREK: HIDDEN FRONTIER (feature), part 1”

STAR TREK: HIDDEN FRONTIER (feature), part 1

As I mentioned in a few of my previous articles, the dawn of the “modern age of Star Trek fan films” arrived in the year 2000 with the release onto the Internet of Star Trek: Hidden Frontier.  It was the quintessential fan film: Trekkie actors with little or no formal training, cheap store-bought or home-made … Continue reading “STAR TREK: HIDDEN FRONTIER (feature), part 1”