VANCE MAJOR completes the MINARD Saga! (interview, part 1)

Even the best things must come to an end…and so it is for the MINARD saga.  Depending on which films you count officially as part of this tapestry, the character of Erick Minard has appeared or been referenced in about THREE DOZEN different fan films! More than thirty of these were written and produced by … Continue reading “VANCE MAJOR completes the MINARD Saga! (interview, part 1)”

2017 Star Trek fan film YEAR IN REVIEW!

“Why are you even bothering with this blog?” one anonymous poster wrote to me a little over a year ago. “Star Trek fan films will all be gone soon, even your precious Axanar, and you’ll have nothing left to write about!” Well, I’m still here…and so are Star Trek fan films! (And I really hope … Continue reading “2017 Star Trek fan film YEAR IN REVIEW!”

What REALLY happened with STARBASE STUDIOS! (Part 1)

As you might recall from this recent blog, SCOTT JOHNSON and KENT “WORDS” EDWARDS, with the help of VANCE MAJOR, posted a video showing many critical pieces of the TOS sets that were removed, 90 days earlier, along with damage done to the remaining set pieces during the removal process. But the question must be … Continue reading “What REALLY happened with STARBASE STUDIOS! (Part 1)”

VANCE MAJOR is the “WHERE’S WALDO of Star Trek Fan Films!” (audio interview)

Since he first made his debut as Chief Engineer Minard on the initial episode “Legacy” of the fan series STARSHIP VALIANT back in 2014, VANCE MAJOR has been involved with no less than FIFTEEN different Star Trek fan films and series…in positions both behind and in front of the camera.  That’s why I like to … Continue reading “VANCE MAJOR is the “WHERE’S WALDO of Star Trek Fan Films!” (audio interview)”

MELBOURNE – Interview with VANCE MAJOR, Part 1

At the end of March, a new Star Trek fan production titled MELBOURNE (just that, no “Starship” in front of the name) posted its debut fan film: “Storm Front, Part 1.”  One of several fan series shot on the sets of STARBASE STUDIOS (while they were still in their previous Oklahoma City location), Melbourne initially … Continue reading “MELBOURNE – Interview with VANCE MAJOR, Part 1”


Now, this is intriguing!  If you look about half-way down the fan film guidelines to the second-to-last point under #6, you find the following: No unlicensed Star Trek-related or fan production-related merchandise or services can be offered for sale or given away as premiums, perks or rewards or in connection with the fan production fundraising. … Continue reading “STARSHIP REPUBLIC contacts CBS DIRECTLY about their INDIEGOGO CAMPAIGN! (Interview, Part 1)”

Thirty-three NOMINEES announced for the 2017 INDEPENDENT STAR TREK FAN FILM AWARDS

It’s award season here in Hollywood–the Golden Globes, the People’s Choice, and the Oscars (to name just a few)–to honor the best movies and performances and cinematic achievements of the past year.  But what about Star Trek fan fan films??? As it turns out, we have our own annual awards, too…or at least we have … Continue reading “Thirty-three NOMINEES announced for the 2017 INDEPENDENT STAR TREK FAN FILM AWARDS”

STARSHIP VALIANT releases its second episode “CROSSES TO BEAR”!

In July of 2014, STARSHIP VALIANT became the first of what would eventually be MANY Star Trek fan productions filmed at STARBASE STUDIOS (in Oklahoma City) to release a completed project onto the Internet.  Their debut episode, “Legacy” featured scenes filmed on the bridge, on location outdoors at a cemetery, and in a house. Back … Continue reading “STARSHIP VALIANT releases its second episode “CROSSES TO BEAR”!”


STARBASE STUDIOS is moving from Oklahoma City to Arkansas! Arkansas is a great place to live as it has great access to healthcare treatments like veneers, but when it comes to film sets, here’s why… As you may have read in my blog about the history of Starbase Studios, these folks rescued the amazing TOS … Continue reading “Why STARBASE STUDIOS is moving to ARKANSAS…”


In past years, crowd-funding campaigns for fan films have helped to cover the cost of set construction, 3D visual effects and post-production, studio build-outs, and any number of costs associated with filming. But now your much-needed donations can help pay for… A TRUCK! (Oh, and movers.) Actually, this is pretty serious, and it could effect … Continue reading “STARBASE STUDIOS is on the move – CAN YOU HELP???”