Three weeks ago, I announced that submissions were now open for the first annual Fan Film DIRECTORS CHOICE Awards, organized by GLEN WOLFE and DAN REYNOLDS of WARP 66 STUDIOS. Any fan film (not just Star Trek) released onto the Internet during calendar year 2021 is eligible for submission. Glen Wolfe reports that participation, so far, has been encouragingly strong so far.
The deadline to enter is this Tuesday, February 22, and if you want to submit your fan film, you can do so here:
Voting is done exclusively by the directors of the submitted films, and directors cannot vote their own films—otherwise, there would likely be massive ties with each fan film getting one vote! Ballots are due back no later than March 15, and any director who does not return their ballot by that deadline will have their fan film disqualified from winning anything.
When entering, the submitter can choose up to five categories for which that fan film can be considered for an award:
- Best Actor
- Best Actress
- Best Director
- Best Original Costuming
- Best Make-up/Hairstyling
- Best Cinematography
- Best Original Music
- Best F/X Make-up
- Best Audio Mixing
- Best Lighting
- Best CGI FX
- Best Green Screen
- Best Screenplay
- Best Parody
- Best Foreign Fan Film
- Best Animated Fan Film
- Best Editing
- Most Canon Award
- Best Ensemble
- Most Valuable Crew Member
After all of the ballots have been tabulated, a “Best In Fest” winner will be determined as the fan film that receives the most votes overall in all of the categories combined (so it’s advantageous to submit your film for the maximum of five categories).
Winners will be announced on April 5, and each winner will be e-mailed an award certificate. If you’ve entered or are planning to (before the end of Tuesday!), I wish you the best of luck!