BOMBER GIRL from STAR TREK: NATURE’S HUNGER gets over 110K views! (video interview with JOSE CEPEDA and the gang)

I hadn’t even checked the number of views on YouTube when I went to interview JOSE CEPEDA and members of the cast and crew of “BOMBER GIRL,” the latest release from the long-running STAR TREK: NATURE’S HUNGER fan series. Even their previous release, “FIGHTING CHANCE: ROARING THUNDER,” has only about 7K views, and their most-viewed (prior to “Bomber Girl”) was “RAZOR’S EDGE” from three years ago with 31K views.

But as I went to get the link to post the video on this blog (below), I discovered that “Bomber Girl,” which debuted on November 28, 2024, has already generated 111K views in just four months! And my first thought was: “Well, this kind of success couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of people.”

And indeed, if you were making a list of the nicest folks in the Star Trek fan filmmaking community, you’d need to reserve at least a half-dozen to dozen spots at the top for Jose and his fellow Nature’s Hungerers (if that’s even a word!). And that’s not just my opinion. Most of the creators whom I talk to who have traveled to Atlanta to shoot on Jose’s incredible TOS set recreations in his basement or who have simply dealt with Jose and his peeps all tell me how warm, friendly, and awesome to work with they all are. Indeed, I know this from personal experience, as I myself have worked with Jose, actress LEZLIE SAWYER, and very recently, musical composer DAVID McHENRY and find all of them to be the nicest of nice people.

Of course, if you were instead making a list of the quirkiest Star Trek fan film series out there, you would definitely need to reserve a prominent slot for Nature’s Hunger. While set firmly in the Star Trek prime universe, the series also accepts magic and sorcery as existing (as does the Federation itself). Indeed, it is not unheard of to see witches, enchantresses, and dragons during a typical episode…or for matter, talking simians from The Planet of the Apes. And if that weren’t enough, Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz has joined Starfleet and is a recurring character!

When it comes to Nature’s Hunger, there are no rules beyond having fun and keeping your tongue firmly in your cheek. Fans seeking more “polished” Star Trek fan films might want to consider clicking on a different YouTube video. But for Trekkies who appreciate a group of fans trying their best, working hard, and producing a labor of love, it’s certainly worth giving these folks a chance.

Their latest offering clocks in at more than two hours of runtime! And lest you worry that violates the time limit imposed by the fan film guidelines, only about 15 minutes of “Bomber Girl” is a framing Star Trek sequence. The rest occurs during World War II. Take a look…

Once again, I had the pleasure of hosting a video interview with the folks involved, and as usual, they were a delightful group to chat with…

THE FEDERATION FILES’ “SLIPSTREAM” tells the story of the ill-fated U.S.S. INTREPID…and more! (video interview with GLEN L. WOLFE)

Well, folks, this makes it fourteen…fourteen fan films from THE FEDERATION FILES fanthology series, run by GLEN L. WOLFE and DAN REYNOLDS, the co-owners of WARP 66 STUDIOS in northern Arkansas. Beginning in 2016, they have used their TOS set recreations plus other custom-built sets to tell stories in the Prime Star Trek Universe spanning the 20th century all the way through to the 24th.

Here’s a complete list of their previous thirteen releases and the blogs that spotlighted each of them…

As I only just discovered in the video interview with Glen Wolfe that appears below, the initial intention for The Federation Files was to have each episode focus on a different one of the twelve (or was it fifteen?) original Constitution-class heavy cruiser starships. However, this plan has strayed a bit from the expected path, as multiple storylines haven’t included any starships (since they took place in the distant past…at least from a 23rd century perspective). Nevertheless, Glen would still like to eventually complete the full set of starships with at least one story for each.

And that brings us to the latest release: “SLIPSTREAM.” It was time to bring the U.S.S. Intrepid into The Federation Files‘ spotlight. Fans of TOS will recall that the Intrepid was manned by a crew made up entirely of Vulcans, and it was destroyed off-camera by a giant space amoeba during the teaser to the second season episode “The Immunity Syndrome.” Spock senses the mass extinguishment of the crew, even though we viewers never see it with our own eyes.

Glen felt that the natural tale to tell for the ill-fated Intrepid was her final mission, this time ON-camera. And that’s how we got the latest release from The Federation Files. Take a look…

While I normally ask showrunners about production and/or insights from behind-the-scenes, this time I decided to go in a somewhat different and unique direction. You see, not only is Glen the showrunner and director of this particular fan film, he also wrote the script.

I’m certain that many fan film script-writers (and aspiring script-writers) would be curious how someone comes up with their story and puts it all together in script form. How long does it take to write a fan film script? How many pages should it be…and how detailed in stage direction? What software do they use? Is formatting important? How many iterations does a script go through, and who is consulted for feedback and potential changes? How “locked” is a script once filming begins, and who decides which changes, if any, get made on the fly?

Glen answers these questions and many more in this enlightening video interview…

Did an Indiana Jones FAN FILM just win an EMMY AWARD??? YES!!! (video interview with KEVIN CROXTON)

An Emmy? A real Emmy?? For a FAN FILM??? Yep! Awarded by the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS)…the same folks who give out awards for the best TV series and specials and soap operas and news programs and all the rest just gave an award to an Indiana Jones fan film! And not only that, it was a fan film starring fourth and fifth grader kids playing nearly all of the parts! Take a look…

How the heck did this happen???

The answer is revealed in the video interview at the bottom of this blog, but first, a little background about the fellow I’ll be talking to. I first met KEVIN CROXTON shortly after the premiere of his first fan film, the Star Trek-themed THE BUNNY INCIDENT, back in 2018. Filmed at the now defunct Starbase Studios in Arkansas, this fan film featured 33 of Kevin’s fourth and fifth grade students playing Starfleet and Klingon roles, singing, dancing, and acting. It was adorable.

Kevin, a composer by trade and training, was also an elementary school music teacher in western Arkansas, and the kids in his fan films were all members of his extracurricular music club at his school. Shortly thereafter, I asked Kevin if we would agree to create the score for my own Star Trek fan film INTERLUDE, which he happily agreed to do.

The following year, Kevin and his music club produced and released their second fan film, BATMAN: THE SCHEME IS SOUND. At 12 minutes, it was twice the run-time as their previous effort, this one featuring elaborate costumes for Batman, Robin, Joker, Catwoman, Penguin, and Riddler…along with an actual, drivable BATMOBILE replica! Seriously, how much would you have given to have this guy as your teacher growing up??

Two years later in 2021, Kevin posted his third themed fan film to YouTube. Shot mostly before the lockdown and edited and scored after, the 12-minute IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE was a James Bond adventure with fancy cars, tuxedos, and a cameo appearance by GEORGE LAZENBY, the second actor to portray the character in the single feature film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service in 1969. How on earth does Kevin keep managing to top himself? It’s certainly a mystery!

But top himself he does! As you can see if you watched the film above, INDIANA JONES AND THE TREASURE OF THE AZTECS has a cast of dozens and dozens of kids; very impressive performances; amazing costumes, props, and music; and numerous “exotic” filming locations. It also has an incredible stunt of Indiana Jones (well, a stunt double) jumping from the back of a galloping horse into a speeding jeep. It even has a cameo voice-over from actress KAREN ALLEN, who played Indiana’s girlfriend/wife in three of the franchise films!

The film was definitely worthy of an award, and it has won many. But an EMMY??? There has to be a story behind that, and Kevin explains it all and more in the following fun interview…

EUDERION – INFINITY from GERMANY is one of the LONGEST ongoing Star Trek fan series! (video interview with TOM ERDMANN, SEBASTIAN BITTINS, and MIRI LUX)

If you think Star Trek is big here in America, you ain’t seen nuthin’ until you check out Germany! The German fans LOVE their Star Trek, and their annual convention FEDCON in the city of Bonn blows away most of the Trek-themed events you’ll find in the United States.

So it’s no surprise that Germany is one of the non-U.S. countries producing its own Star Trek fan series. In fact, the Germans have multiple productions at present. But as Fan Film Factor hasn’t featured any German fan filmmakers yet, I decided to begin with Germany’s oldest ongoing Trek fan series, EUDERION – INFINITY.

The cast and crew of EUDERION – INFINITY

Based out of Germany’s capital, Berlin, Euderion began filming their first project back in 2008, releasing STAR TREK: EUDERION‘s initial episode “After the War Is Before the War” in 2009. Since then, the group has released a total of fourteen Star Trek fan films (you can view them all from this YouTube playlist). The episodes are entirely in German, but the closed-caption subtitling is excellent—not the auto-translate that YouTube offers—and they are absolutely worth checking out. Set during the 24th century in the late Deep Space Nine era, their episodes have featured a wide variety of themes and emotional tones, from light and amusing to dark and tragic, and from serious and thoughtful to adventurous and suspenseful. And they have pulled off each kind of story very successfully.

Their runtimes have covered everything from short vignettes of only a few minutes to full-length productions of a half hour or longer. Indeed, their latest effort, “The Legacy of the Archein,” was more than 45 minutes in length with an additional 6 and a half minutes of bloopers tacked onto the end. You can watch the episode below…

I was recently able to interview three of the warm and jovial individuals behind this excellent fan series: TOM ERDMANN, SEBASTIAN BITTINS, and MIRI LUX…all of whom speak wonderful English (infinitely better than my minuscule amount of German!). Also appearing in the interview is C.A.R.L. the exobot—not to be confused with Peanut Hamper!—who has joined the cast of the series taken the fan film world by storm with his friendly personality and meticulous craftsmanship.

Let’s give a warm Fan Film Factor willkommen to these fine folks and learn about the long-running Star Trek fan series Euderion – Infinity

FARRAGUT FORWARD finally fascinates and fires up fans with a FEAST of fancy fan filmmaking at its FINEST! (video interview with JOHNNY K. and PAUL R. SIEBER)

The wait is over, and I think it’s fair to say that it was very much worth it!

In some ways, the “wait began back in 2016 when the long-running fan series  STARSHIP FARRAGUT wrapped filming on its series finale, “HOMECOMING,” and announced a sequel fan production set during the TOS movie-era to be titled FARRAGUT FORWARD. But five years would pass before fans heard anything more about this proposed project.

In 2021, showrunner and series star JOHN BROUGHTON invited his friend JOHNNY K. of KAOTICA STUDIOS to direct the Farragut Forward fan film. Johnny had already directed a growing number of independent short films and agreed to join the team. The next step was crowd-funding the project, as John Broughton wanted this to be a top-quality production with elaborate movie-era sets and impeccably-reproduced costumes.

Of course, few things are as effective when crowd-funding than showing potential donors what you’re capable of creating. So John and Johnny proceeded to create a 3-minute PROLOGUE teaser-trailer that really blew away fans…

The following weeks and months were filled with numerous behind-the-scenes photos and videos, each more exciting and enticing than the last. You can view three of those videos at the bottom of this blog.

The strategy worked amazingly well, as a 60-day Indiegogo exceeded its $30K goal by more than $3K! This allowed the campaign to attain InDemand status and continue to raise funds, ultimately wrapping up last month with a final total in excess of $45!!!

The money was put to good use, as the costumes and sets that were created nailed the look and feel of movie-era TOS Star Trek beyond what any fan film had ever been able to achieve before. A cast and crew of nearly (perhaps more than—I lost count tallying all the names in the credits!) a hundred people worked diligently to produce what can only be called a masterpiece. Farragut Forward debuted on October 1, and in just eight days has already gotten more than 65K views on YouTube. And now you can view it, too, below…

I had initially hoped to interview John Broughton and Johnny K. along with PAUL R. SIEBER, who plays the evil villain Prescott from the Mirror Universe. Unfortunately, a few hours before our scheduled Zoom call, something unexpected came up for John Broughton, and he wasn’t able to make it. But John has offered to do a one-on-one interview with me in the near future.

In the meantime, Johnny K. and Paul Sieber were still able to do the video interview, providing some eye-opening insights and fun stories about the planning and work that went into the making of this 3-year project. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to both of them, taking a look back at Farragut Forward


Fans are about to see a true rarity in the world of Star Trek fan films: a crossover of multiple fan series to create a three-part story! The closest fan films came to something like this previously was a couple of years ago when two of the creative groups from POTEMKIN PICTURES got together to present a crossover of fan-series STARSHIP DEIMOS and KLINGON SCOUTSHIP QAB’ELTH. In that “tag-team,” the two episodes actually intersected, featuring the same sequences seen from different points of view.

But now we have something entire new and different, thanks to GARY DAVIS, RANDY WRENN, and the folks at DOMINION MEDIA. For the past decade, DREADNOUGHT DOMINION has entertained fans with the exploits of that titular starship and her gallant crew. More recently, Gary constructed a full set of a TOS-era runabout craft in his basement and launched the spin-off series PROJECT: RUNABOUT, which released its “PILOT” episode in 2021 followed by its second episode, “YORKTOWN,” a year later.

However, there was no new Project: Runabout released during the following year, in part because Gary and Randy were busy launching their third Dominion Media fan series, WARBIRD VALDORE, set aboard a Romulan vessel and told from the point of view of her captain and crew.

With three separate fan series now in active development, it didn’t take Gary and Randy very long to decide to run a single storyline through all of them for a special crossover fan film event. Of course, the fan film guidelines can be a little persnickety on multi-part stories, so the guys set up the three films to each tell a self-contained story without any “cliffhanger” endings. However, a larger plot line will link the productions together for fans who decide to view all three releases in order.

And that order begins with the third installment of Project: Runabout, an episode entitled “IT’S ALL DONE WITH MIRRORS.” Take a look…

Having already interviewed Gary and Randy more times than I can count (not that I don’t absolutely love those two guys!), I asked them if perhaps we could do a video interview with the cast of the series and get to know those actors a little better. Nearly everyone was more than happy to oblige, and we had a really fun time chatting together. I invite you to join the (landing) party…

A fresh quartet of ANNA KELLEY episodes of TREK SHORTS! (video interview with NIMRAN SAUND and SAM COCKINGS)

SAMUEL COCKINGS, the British bastion of fan film fabrication, continues to pop out new releases of his TREK SHORTS fanthology series with the speed of tribbles on fertility drugs! And four of Sam’s most recent five offerings have starred the very talented NIMRAN SAUND as the fan favorite character of Anna Keeley.

What makes Keeley so wildly popular is a combination of Nimran’s captivating performances along with the fact that, thanks to Trek Shorts having no specific setting or time frame, the stories can and do jump around to various points in Keeley’s Starfleet career. We’ve seen this character at every rank from ensign to captain, growing and evolving as an officer and a person. And with the most recent Trek Shorts vignettes, we can add Cadet Anna Keeley (in her first year at Starfleet Academy) to the mix.

Speaking of the most recent three releases, they’ve come out in concert with the launch of Sam’s latest GoFundMe crowd-funding campaign, which is already nearly 3/4 of the way to its  £4,000 goal (about $5,100). You can donate at the link below, and even just a little contribution will get Sam that much closer to his target…

The three most recent Trek Shorts each focus on a story from THE LEGACY OF one of the starships EnterpriseTHE NX-01

THE NCC-1701-A

And THE NCC 1701-C

And all feature Sam’s typically gorgeous CGI effects shots.

The fourth recent Trek Short premiered back in March of this year and takes place mainly on Deep Space Nine, an unusual location for a Trek fan film due to the challenge of creating sets, even using CGI. But Sam and his team took on the challenge with some very impressive results. Take a look at LIVING THE DREAM

By the way, you can watch more than two dozen Trek Shorts fan films on this playlist. They are all visually spectacular and form a complex, tapestry storyline across the entire series.

While I’ve interviewed Nimran Saund before, it was a in written text format, which is fine but doesn’t typically provide a true flavor of a person’s energy and presence. I’ve been wanting to get Nim in front of a Zoom camera for an in-person video interview for years, and now I’ve finally gotten the opportunity—along with Sam Cockings himself, of course. But this interview is primarily focused on Nim and the unique challenges of playing the same character at different points of a decades-long Starfleet career.

Nim is simply delightful, and this interview is absolutely worth checking out in its entirety…

From ITALY with LOVE AND HONOR…DELL’AMORE E DELL’ONORE is molto bene! (video interview with JACK PONISSI and his team)

I’m not certain if there has ever been a Star Trek fan film produced entirely in Italy before, but there certainly hasn’t been a major one of note…until now, that is. Benvuto a DELL’AMORE E DELL’ONORE, which translates to welcome to OF LOVE AND HONOR, an artistic fan film from showrunner and writer CARLO “JACK” PONISSI and director WALTER “WEBB” CHIORINO.

More than two and a half years in the making, this fan film got its start back in late 2021 with the launch of a crowd-funder. To show what they had in mind, a short teaser trailer was created with actors show in front of green screen and composited against TOS-era backgrounds, although their hope was to take in enough to construct some practical TOS set pieces. This was their teaser trailer from February 2022, dubbed in English to encourage donations…

Jack reached out to me for help in promoting the campaign, but sadly, the day they launched their GoFundMe, February 26th, Vladamir Putin ordered Russian troops to invade Ukraine. Crowd-funding an Italian Star Trek fan film seemed to be the last thing on anyone’s priority list, especially in Europe. Ultimately, they took in enough to buy some uniforms but nothing more, and any dreams of building TOS sets had to be abandoned. Jack himself ended up financing the lion’s share of the production costs out of his own pocket.

Later on, Jack once again requested my assistance in cleaning up the English translation of the script that they had created for dubbing with voice-over actors. While the original fan film that was just released is performed completely in Italian (a beautiful language that I love to hear spoken), they are also currently working on a dubbed English version that will be released some time in the near future. That will make Dell’Amore e Dell’Onore / Of Love and Honor one of the only Star Trek fan films to ever be produced in two different languages.

The Italian version currently has English subtitles which you can turn on tp display in YouTube. As you can see when you watch the film (below), the sets and props are minimal. Indeed, Dell’Amore e dell’Onore / Of Love and Honor feels more like a filmed stage play, which only adds to the unique European flavor of their presentation. In many ways, this film carries the look and feel of an independent foreign film that one might see in a small art house theater showing international fare. It is certainly not your typical Star Trek fan film! Take a look…

Continue reading “From ITALY with LOVE AND HONOR…DELL’AMORE E DELL’ONORE is molto bene! (video interview with JACK PONISSI and his team)”

“CERRITOS, LOST” from TREK SHORTS is a live-action STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS fan film! (audio interview with SAM COCKINGS and MARIE-LOUISE SVALENG)


Before we go any further, just a quick heads-up that the latest annual TREK SHORTS crowd-funding campaign (for 2024) is now up and accepting donations. This year’s goal is £4,000 (about $5,000 in the U.S.), and CGI cobbler SAMUEL COCKINGS is already two-thirds of the way to that goal in just a week! If you’d like to help Sam keep on producing this terrific series of fanthology films, here’s the link to contribute:

Sam’s latest offering, released at the end of this past April, was created specifically to show support for STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS, which is officially reaching the end of its planned 5-year run after this upcoming fifth and final season.

Some fans have chosen to call this a cancellation, although that is not technically true. Star Trek TOS was canceled, as the original plan was for a five-season run, and the show ended after only three seasons. TNG, DS9, and Voyager, each completed their runs after seven years, and few fans use the word “canceled” to refer to those shows and their finales. Enterprise, on the other hand, was unceremoniously canceled after just four seasons, having failed to make it to seven seasons as its older sibling series did.

But enough semantics! The fact remains that many, many fans (including yours truly along with Sam Cockings), greatly enjoy Lower Decks and very much want to see it continue past this final announced season. And yes, I signed one of the many online petitions. But such efforts tend to yield minimal and unreliable results—especially when the streaming industry is contracting rapidly while the board of directors of Paramount desperately tries to sell off the corporation.

So Sam decided to try something a little more flashy to get the attention of Paramount and CBS Studios: he made a Lower Decks fan film! Last year, after the announcement of the cancellation of STAR TREK: PRODIGY—which absolutely was being canceled after only a single season—Sam leapt into action and, in the span of just six days, created and released the first-ever Prodigy fan-film: FLIGHT OF THE PROTOSTAR.

Of course, neither fan film could feature the actual animated characters from those two series, but the ships were certainly fair game! And with some clever writing, Sam was able to tie these two films into the overall plot lines of each series to create an engaging story. Indeed, his latest Lower Decks fan film, CERRITOS, LOST, conveys a wonderful tongue-in-cheek comedic flavor to match that of the streaming series. Take a look…

The film features fan favorite actor and showrunner of INTREPID, Scotland’s own NICK COOK playing Captain Daniel Hunter, as well as the evil A.I. character Grathar. A number of other frequent and infrequent Trek Shorts actors are part of the film, as well, but this is the first time that Sam’s girlfriend, MARIE-LOUISE SVALENG, has appeared in front of the camera. In previous Trek Shorts releases, Marie has voiced Starfleet historian Dr. Louise Nilson, but she had yet to appear on screen.

Continue reading ““CERRITOS, LOST” from TREK SHORTS is a live-action STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS fan film! (audio interview with SAM COCKINGS and MARIE-LOUISE SVALENG)”

THE ICARUS MANEUVER expands the AXANAR saga of THE FOUR YEARS WAR! (video interview with MARK EDWARD LEWIS)

PRELUDE TO AXANAR debuted in 2014 and awed fans with its production quality, acting, costuming, make-up, sound, music, visual FX…the whole shebang. The 20-minute “mockumentary”-style fan film became iconic, a new level of achievement to strive for. And with a cliffhanger ending, fans eagerly awaited the continuation of the saga of the Four Years War between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

And they awaited…and they awaited…and they awaited some more.

Now, a decade later, all of the live action footage of the 19 actors and actresses who will appear in the two 15-minute AXANAR sequels has been shot and is in the can. The project has officially moved into the post-production phase with completion and release scheduled for later on this year. Yes, 2024 will see the long-awaited conclusion to the cliffhanger from ten years ago.

However, a settled copyright lawsuit with ALEC PETERS from 2017 has unfortunately ensured that Axanar will not be the full-length feature film that it was originally intended to be. And that means that many of the jaw-dropping VFX created back in 2015 and 2016 will never see the light of day because Axanar is now limited to a total runtime of a half hour.


Mark is the co-director of the Axanar sequels, along with being one of the sound effects people on the original Prelude. He was also the sound designer on INTERLUDE, the fan-film-of-a-fan-film from 2021 that took place in the Axanar Universe and told a tale of the Four Years War. Interlude was written and produced by me, although it was filmed on the U.S.S. Ares bridge set in Lawrenceville, GA and featured three of the actors (plus one voice actor) who would also appear in the Axanar sequels.

Even though Alec and AXANAR PRODUCTIONS are constrained to two 15-minute sequels by the legal settlement, CBS and Paramount never had a problem with Interlude because it was produced by a different production company (two, actually): FAN FILM FEATURES and AVALON UNIVERSE.

Following that precedent, Mark Lewis has done something very similar. Utilizing the Ares bridge set, actors, and some of the production crew for Axanar, Mark is also using some of those original VFX (many of them, actually) to tell yet another story that takes place during the Four Years War: THE ICARUS MANEUVER. Although written by and featuring Alec Peters as Garth, Icarus was directed and produced by Mark using his own production company and resources.

Mark is a former Hollywood professional with extensive experience, and what he has put together is a six-minute tour de force with production quality and immersion within the action that is seldom seen in Star Trek fan films. Although taken down from YouTube by CBS/Paramount, the film is viewable on the Axanar website.

Continue reading “THE ICARUS MANEUVER expands the AXANAR saga of THE FOUR YEARS WAR! (video interview with MARK EDWARD LEWIS)”