I hadn’t even checked the number of views on YouTube when I went to interview JOSE CEPEDA and members of the cast and crew of “BOMBER GIRL,” the latest release from the long-running STAR TREK: NATURE’S HUNGER fan series. Even their previous release, “FIGHTING CHANCE: ROARING THUNDER,” has only about 7K views, and their most-viewed (prior to “Bomber Girl”) was “RAZOR’S EDGE” from three years ago with 31K views.
But as I went to get the link to post the video on this blog (below), I discovered that “Bomber Girl,” which debuted on November 28, 2024, has already generated 111K views in just four months! And my first thought was: “Well, this kind of success couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of people.”
And indeed, if you were making a list of the nicest folks in the Star Trek fan filmmaking community, you’d need to reserve at least a half-dozen to dozen spots at the top for Jose and his fellow Nature’s Hungerers (if that’s even a word!). And that’s not just my opinion. Most of the creators whom I talk to who have traveled to Atlanta to shoot on Jose’s incredible TOS set recreations in his basement or who have simply dealt with Jose and his peeps all tell me how warm, friendly, and awesome to work with they all are. Indeed, I know this from personal experience, as I myself have worked with Jose, actress LEZLIE SAWYER, and very recently, musical composer DAVID McHENRY and find all of them to be the nicest of nice people.
Of course, if you were instead making a list of the quirkiest Star Trek fan film series out there, you would definitely need to reserve a prominent slot for Nature’s Hunger. While set firmly in the Star Trek prime universe, the series also accepts magic and sorcery as existing (as does the Federation itself). Indeed, it is not unheard of to see witches, enchantresses, and dragons during a typical episode…or for matter, talking simians from The Planet of the Apes. And if that weren’t enough, Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz has joined Starfleet and is a recurring character!
When it comes to Nature’s Hunger, there are no rules beyond having fun and keeping your tongue firmly in your cheek. Fans seeking more “polished” Star Trek fan films might want to consider clicking on a different YouTube video. But for Trekkies who appreciate a group of fans trying their best, working hard, and producing a labor of love, it’s certainly worth giving these folks a chance.
Their latest offering clocks in at more than two hours of runtime! And lest you worry that violates the time limit imposed by the fan film guidelines, only about 15 minutes of “Bomber Girl” is a framing Star Trek sequence. The rest occurs during World War II. Take a look…
Once again, I had the pleasure of hosting a video interview with the folks involved, and as usual, they were a delightful group to chat with…