CARLOS PEDRAZA has some questions about the Fan Film LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN!

Focus Group ReportWord is beginning to spread about the Fan Film LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN, and I’m very encouraged so far.  After just one week, we’ve already had 75 packets mailed to executives at CBS and Paramount with the focus group results and recommendations from the 1,200+ members of the SMALL ACCESS Facebook group.

Now, 75 packets might not seem like much (especially considering that the original Star Trek letter writing had over a hundred thousand letters), but keep in mind that 1) word is only just starting to get out about this initiative, and 2) the packets are supposed to contain a 37-page Focus Group Report and optional Cover Letter, which will use up a lot of toner and paper and cost about two to three bucks per packet to mail (more from outside the U.S., although I don’t expect as many international fans to participate due to the higher postage costs).  So each mailed packet represents a greater amount of time, effort, and investment by a fan then just sending a 1-page letter or copy/pasted e-mail.  I was actually kinda worried that we’d only get about one or two dozen packets sent…so 75 in a week is pretty awesome.  (And remember, only one copy has to get read by the right executive!)

During the next week, Mike Bawden will be trying to get us some press coverage in the mainstream media, but there’s already been some interest just around fan circles.  Earlier today, I did a podcast for an upcoming episode of TrekZone (look for it this weekend).   And Shane Stacks told me he’ll be mentioning the campaign on the excellent Shane Plays Radio and Podcast.

And I’m even being covered by other blogs!!!  And that brings us to…

Continue reading “CARLOS PEDRAZA has some questions about the Fan Film LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN!”

RENEGADES Indiegogo campaign cracks $120,000 – special WALTER KOENIG ovation video released!

Renegades IndiegogoAs promised, RENEGADES: The Series has released a special video of the final curtain call Walter Koenig would have playing the character of “Pavel Chekov” (or at least an admiral with a heavy Russian accent who has had a iconic career in space).  It’s a magical moment as filming wraps, and the cast and crew both applaud the living legend.

The video was released because Renegades managed to raise more than $120,000 for post production on their 2-part episode “The Requiem.”  They set out to raise $60,000 for the first part and got there in less than a week.  Passing that goal, they now need to reach $150,000 for part 2.  So they’re almost there!

If they raise another $30,000 by midnight Pacific Time tonight, they won’t have to do another campaign anytime soon (until they make MORE episodes!).  Maybe a tall order, but you do still have about eleven more hours (as I post this) to make your donation.  Just CLICK HERE!

And in the meantime, please enjoy WALTER KOENIG’S final curtain call as Chekov…

PROJECT: ENTERPRISE – A fan with a plan…and a dream! (Interview, part 2)

Project Enterprise-9
Left-to-right: Richard Taylor, Jim Dow, and Paul Olsen

Last time: We met Paul Olsen, the man who spent eight months back in 1978 and 1979 painting the original model of the refit USS Enterprise for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.  Now, 37 years later, Paul wants to build it again: bigger, stronger, better, and painted to have the same opalescent shine as the original.

And Paul won’t be doing it alone.  Richard Taylor (who designed the refit Enterprise) and Jim Dow (who built the original model) will be part of the team, as well.  And the cost for this rebuild: $3 million!!!  (They intend to build a 12-foot model that will last for hundreds of years plus a virtual reality display room that can be transported around the world.)

Right now, Paul and his team—with the help of Nichelle Nichols, Rod Roddenberry, and Tim Russ—are trying to raise $50,000 through a Kickstarter campaign ending on September 11.  That will go towards a PR tour where Paul will attempt to raise the millions of dollars he’ll need to make this Trek fan dream a reality.  He’s also trying to get official authorization for the project from CBS licensing, and that’s where we’ll pick up our interview, already in progress…

Continue reading “PROJECT: ENTERPRISE – A fan with a plan…and a dream! (Interview, part 2)”

Want to see WALTER KOENIG’s final curtain call for CHEKOV?

Renegades IndiegogoEven though Renegades: The Series is no longer technically a Star Trek fan film, Walter Koenig is still playing a very old Russian admiral with a thick accent and a long history of service to the Fleet.  In other words, even if they’re not calling him “Chekov,” we all know in our hearts that this will be the final time Walter plays that legendary role on film (he has said as much).

When filming wrapped last month on the Renegades 2-parter “The Requiem,” there was a magical moment when Walter Koenig walked off the set of the Icarus, the final time he would be playing Pavel Chekov (with or without the name).  The production crew all applauded, and it was captured on film.  Wanna see it?

The Renegades team has promised to share that once-in-a-lifetime video clip with fans if they help the Renegades Indiegogo campaign reach $120,000.  As I type this, they’re just over $106,000 with less than a week to go!  So if you haven’t donated yet, please hop over there and consider giving a little something.  (And if you have already given, maybe you’d like to give a bit more…hmmm?)

In the meantime, Renegades has released this awesome new teaser to get you even more excited:


My own packets, ready to be mailed to executives at both studios…


In 1968, NBC received 115,893 letters from Star Trek fans pleading for the network not to cancel their favorite show…and it worked. Star Trek was renewed for a third and final season.

It is now 2016, and fans have a new opportunity to make their voices heard. This time, the imperiled entity is Star Trek fan films, restricted by a new set of guidelines issued by Star Trek license holders CBS and Paramount. Not all of these guidelines are threatening to fan films. Nearly half of them are perfectly acceptable as written. Another a quarter of them simply need some minor tweaking to better clarify what the studios are trying to communicate. It is only the small number of remaining guidelines that have overshot the mark and wound up too restrictive to allow fans the creativity and passion that the studios themselves say they want to encourage fans to showcase.

John Van Citters

A week after the guidelines were announced, John Van Citters of CBS Consumer Products Inc. appeared on a podcast and said the following:

“All of this is definitely a conversation. We hope very much that this helps settle things with Star Trek fan films, that it provides some clarity for everybody, and that we can see what is working and what is not working…and we can follow up accordingly with that.”

But how do fans approach the studios to share our concerns? There is no official mechanism for fans to sit down with the CBS and Paramount executives to try to find a fairer compromise between the best interests of both parties. There is no single fan representative who speaks with the collective voice of fandom. Even fan filmmakers themselves are all over the map in their responses to the guidelines. So how can fans provide their feedback and recommendations to the studios?

Continue reading “Join the new Fan Film LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN!”

CHANCE ENCOUNTER wraps filming!

Chance EncounterThe little fan film that could continues to prove that it can.  In the latest of what have become almost weekly video updates on production, the British-based short fan film reported the completion of principle filming this past weekend, posting a video showing all the cast members together for the first time.  Now the project enters the post production phase, and I can’t wait to see the finished product!

Take a look at their latest video update:

The new Fan Film LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN is coming next week!

Focus Group ReportThe SMALL ACCESS group on Facebook began as a protest against the new fan film guidelines issued by CBS and Paramount.  But it quickly grew into something more significant.  Rather than simply complaining about the guidelines or arguing over whose fault it was they were written in the first place, the group began discussing each of the guidelines one-by-one.  Opinions were shared, surveys were taken, and in the end, over 1,200 fans participated in one of the largest Star Trek focus group research projects ever!

Now those results have been compiled into a massive 37-page report written up by Jonathan Lane (yeah, that’s me), a former creative director and focus group coordinator with decades of experience in researching what consumers and product users like and don’t like.  When it came to the guidelines, half were considered fine as currently written (according to polling results).  Another quarter only needed minor revision tweaks for clarification.  And it was only a few remaining guidelines that required more significant compromise solutions.

The report compiles these results into a series of recommendations by the fans to the studios for revising the guidelines in a way that both respects the studios’ interests in protecting their intellectual property while also allowing more flexibility for fan filmmakers to create their productions.

Next week, fans will be invited to mail printed copies of this report to key executives at the studios in a new LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN.  If enough fans participate in the weeks leading up to the actual 50th Anniversary of Star Trek (September 8), it’s our hope that the news media will cover this campaign, which will put pressure on the executives to at least read and consider our suggestions rather than ignoring them completely.

Is it a stunt?  Yes.  Is it a long shot?  Yes.  But it’s at least worth a shot, right?  After all, what other mechanism do fans have to engage a conversation with the studio execs who wrote and enforce these guidelines?

The letter writing campaign will kick off next week, but the report itself has been made available for early viewing on the SMALL ACCESS Facebook page.  If you’re interested, please take a look.  Next week, you’ll get a chance to make Star Trek letter-writing history…again.

PROJECT: ENTERPRISE – A fan with a plan…and a dream! (Interview, part 1)

Project Enterprise-1Many Star Trek fans dream big, and I love that…I really do. But what I love the most is a fan with a plan to make that dream a reality. I spoke to one such fan recently. And although I started my interview thinking his was a crazy dream without a prayer of ever happening, by the time I finished, I’d gone to his Kickstarter page and made a donation. This isn’t a fan film, but it’s a cool enough idea that I’m making an exception and sharing it with all of you.

Project Enterprise-2
Paul Olsen

This dreamer is Paul Olsen, and the dream is to rebuild the model of the refit USS Enterprise exactly as it appeared in Star Trek: The Motion Picture…only 50% larger (12 feet long!). The model would travel the world in its own special display, be painted with a opalescent finish to exacting specifications, and be built to last for centuries.

Crazy, you say? Crazy awesome, you say? Not a chance of it ever happening, you say? Well, before you turn away and get on with your life, take read through this interview and see if you start believing in the dream—and the fan with the plan—just like I did…

Continue reading “PROJECT: ENTERPRISE – A fan with a plan…and a dream! (Interview, part 1)”

New video added to FUNNY STUFF: “Star Trek Beyond Cast Dubsmash Compilation!”

Whether you loved, hated, or felt ambivalent about Star Trek Beyond, I think you’ll really enjoy this fun video compilation of the cast Dubsmashing.  And if you don’t know what it means to Dub Smash, well, watch the video and you’ll figure it out pretty fast.  Get ready to smile…

RENEGADES Indiegogo crowd-funder closes in on $100,000!

Renegades IndiegogoNearly a thousand backers have donated nearly $100,000 so far to help RENEGADES: THE SERIES (formerly Star Trek: Renegades) complete post-production on their two-parter “The Requiem.”  Considering that Renegades had previously generated nearly $400,000 for production, “The Requiem” (when released) will be the most expensive Star Trek fan film ever completed–at more than a HALF MILLION DOLLARS…wow!!

(Of course, Renegades is no longer technically a Star Trek fan film.  But in my heart, it will always be one.)

Their primary goal was $60,000 for this Indiegogo campaign, which they reached easily within the first week.  This would pay for post production entirely for the first episode of the 2-parter.  But with $150,000, they could complete post production on both.

Can they make it?  As of today, they’re just over $95,000 with just over two weeks left.  So it’ll be close!  If you’re looking for fan film to donate just a little more of your money to, click on over to the Renegades Indiegogo campaign and give what you can.  The campaign officially ends on August 31!