Just as STAR TREK CONTINUES was releasing their series finale last October, I was publishing an ambitious 6-part weekly blog feature covering the half-decade history of this beloved fan-made production.
The blog series was, without a doubt, my most ambitious endeavor to date, researched and compiled from several dozen sources—articles, interviews, features, reviews, Facebook posts, updates from STC itself, and even video recorded live by yours truly. The six parts took me months to complete, and in the end, a few thousand people came to Fan Film Factor to enjoy reading about this fan series and the people who produced it.
I kinda figured that was it for STC on FFF. The series wrapped up, the blogs were done…time to move on to other fan films both old and new. But one of my readers, BRYAN LEECH from Melbourne, Australia, posted a comment on Part 3 of the blog:
Is there any possibility that, when completed, you could make your work available as a complete downloadable entity?
Man, did that sound like extra work! I politely declined, explaining that I was pretty busy writing new blogs. But then Bryan offered to create a PDF himself. He’d assemble all of the text, add the graphics, and even include and test all of the hyperlinks that I’d included in the original blog.
Bryan got started in December and would send me versions to review every so often. We’d discuss designs and fonts choices; whether to use italics, bold, and/or ALL CAPS in certain places; where to place images and how large to make them, and whether to have the text by completely justified on the right or not. We troubleshooted bad hyperlinks, and Bryan even fixed some of my ultra-rare typos.
It took a few months and a lot of hard work on Bryan’s part to get things perfect, but in the end, the finished product is something we’re both very proud of. SO big thanks to Bryan!
In addition to the link below, I’ve also posted the PDF file to my new “PDFs” section here on Fan Film Factor. You can find that menu option in the middle of the top nav bar. Check it out, as there’s some other fun PDFs there for download as well.
And now for your reading pleasure, here it is: the complete HISTORY OF STAR TREK CONTINUES…
Click here to view the History of Star Trek Continues PDF.