Hurry! You’ve only got until November 3, 2017 to enter your Star Trek fan film for a chance to win $500!
(Of course, it’ll cost you $35 to enter on their website. But hey, it’s worth a shot, right?)
Yesterday, I told you about how some independent film festivals are beginning to add a new category specifically for FAN FILMS. The Berlin Sci-Fi Filmfest has already completed its entry period. But there’s still a week and a half left to enter the New York-based IndieBOOM! film festival for a chance to win that $500 cash prize.
Created by the team at the award-winning Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, IndieBOOM! is for filmmakers and short-form content creators working everywhere, in all genre categories. There are no restrictions on completion date, as long as the films run no longer than 40 minutes. So a Star Trek fan film that’s already been out for a few years is still eligible as long as it’s shorter than 40 minutes.
Here’s the description for their Fan Film category:
Are you a super-fan who has created an amazing “trailer” for the superhero (or super villain) film you wish existed, a lightsaber battle set in a galaxy far, far away… or a film that dares to trek where no-one has gone before? Or maybe you made a film about one ring that rules them all. Whatever your fandom, we want to see your fan film!
IndieBOOM!’s official selections will be chosen by a panel of industry professionals: critics, producers, writers, directors and actors.
It’s also an interactive festival. IndieBOOM will give entrants tools to help them promote their films to their networks and increase their fan-base. The most-viewed film in each category (Comedy, Sci-Fi, Documentary, Fan Film, etc.) wins an award.
“Ah, I know that trick!” I can hear you say. Just get a bunch of friends to keep refreshing their browsers a few thousand times, and you’ll win. Bah, humbug!”
Well, not this time. IndieBOOM! will keep track of total views and also overall time viewed for each selection. (So just refreshing a web page over and over won’t help you win.)
Their jury of industry professionals will acknowledge a single standout film with a special Jury Prize, regardless of the views/votes. All winning selections will get a one year non-exclusive streaming contract on Brooklyn On Demand (which is carried on Roku to a worldwide audience and already has 16,000 subscribers).
And the selection (from all the categories together) with the most views overall wins the Fan Favorite Award—and a $500 cash prize!
So what are you waiting for? (Well, assuming you’ve produced a fan film, that is!) The submission deadline is November 3, 2017.
Click here to enter.