Today I turn 51 years old…and FAN FILM FACTOR just turned two. This blog doesn’t have an official birthday, but my earliest posts are dated January 10, 2016. It’s two years later, and in that time, I’ve published 465 blog entries!!! Holy shat!
Although some of my blogs are just 200-400 words, others get well over a 1,000 or even 2,000 words. (If they reach 3,000 words, it’s time to split them into Part 1 and Part 2!) So assuming I average a little over a thousand words per blog, that means I’ve probably written nearly a HALF MILLION WORDS in two years…mainly about fan films!
Some folks out there criticize me for writing blogs that are too long, but think of it this way: that’s dedication! Do ya know how long it takes to research, plan out, organize, and write a half million words of blogs??? (Don’t make fun of me; it’s my birthday.)
About 15 months ago, I added Google Ads to the site to help generate some revenue. Since then, my ads have earned me a whopping $529.65…or about a tenth of a penny per word. If you check online, most freelance writing assignments pay about 10 cents a word (maybe a bit higher for more high profile work).
So I’m making 1/100 of what a gainfully employed freelance writer makes! And yet I still do this. Why?
Well, there’s a few reasons…
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