What is THE CIRCUIT…and why are fans so excited by it that the project’s Kickstarter campaign surpassed its initial $50,000 in just ONE WEEK??? (They’re now up to $64,000!)
Is it a fan film? Kinda. Is it a professional independent film? Well, yeah, it’s that, too.
Is it Star Trek? No. But on the other hand, just take a look at this cast…
- Walter “Chekov” Koenig (Star Trek)
- Terry “Jadzia Dax” Farrell (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
- Robert “Chakotay” Beltran (Star Trek: Voyager)
- Armin “Quark” Shimerman (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
- Robert “EMH” Picardo (Star Trek: Voyager)
- Ethan “Neelix” Phillips (Star Trek: Voyager)
- JG “General Martok” Hertzler (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
- Robert “Gowron” O’Reilly (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
- Hana “Molly O’Brien” Hatae (Star Trek: TNG/DS9)
- Tim “Tuvok” Russ (Star Trek: Voyager)
- Doug “Lt. Saru” Jones (Star Trek: Discovery, Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth)
- Manu “Icheb” Intiraymi (Star Trek: Voyager)
But wait! There’s more…
- Ryan Eggold (The Black List, The Black List: Redemption)
- Sylvester McCoy (The Hobbit, Doctor Who)
- Gigi Edgley (Farscape, Rescue Special Ops)
- Miltos Yerolemou (Game of Thrones, Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
- Valerie Leslie (The Paranormal Hour, 5th Passenger)
- Corin Nemec (Stargate SG-1)
- Rob Archer (Lost Girl, Pixels, Kick Ass 2)
- Jai Koutrae (Death’s Requiem)
- Mindy Robinson (V/H/S/2)
- Olivia D’abo (The Wonder Years, Conan The Destroyer)
- Cody Saintgnue (MTV’s Teen Wolf)
Interested yet? Well, guess what? YOU might even be able to work on this project! Yes, YOU, Mr. or Ms. Fan! And it isn’t even just one fan film; it’s TEN—all linked together in…The Circuit!
But what is…The Circuit?? (Didn’t I already write that?)
I recently sat down with MANU INTIRAYMI (the actor who played the Borg teenager Icheb on Star Trek: Voyager) for one of Fan Film Factor’s first-ever audio interviews. And I asked him to help fill in the mystery of what is……The Circuit??? So let’s find out the ANSWER…