There’s chutzpah and then there’s CARLOS PEDRAZA chutzpah. I’m talking cajones-the-size-of-monster-truck-tires chutzpah!!
It all began this past Sunday night at 5:54pm Eastern Time when a Paypal order came into SphinxCon for a ticket with an Axacon add-on for one Carlos Pedraza. This immediately led to a discussion between SphinxCon‘s organizer, DAVID WEINER, and Axacon‘s organizer, ALEC PETERS.
About three and a half hours later, Carlos received the following e-mail from Alec…
We note you attempted to buy a ticket to Axacon. Your ticket is being refunded. You are on notice that you, or any current or former member of the Axamonitor Facebook group that attempts to enter the Axacon facility, will be asked to leave. As Axacon is meant to celebrate and support the Axanar project, those who have shown repeated animosity, negativity, and antagonism toward Axanar Productions, its team members, myself, and guests of the convention are not welcome to attend.
A former Georgia Sheriff’s Deputy is in charge of security and local law enforcement will be notified before the event that we have had an issue with stalkers and will be prepared to respond if you or any of your fellow stalkers attempt to attend. The hotel will also be notified in advance.
It is very clear that, like your blog, your only intention is to make trouble.
Alec Peters
Had things ended there, I wouldn’t have bothered writing this blog. After all, I haven’t blogged about Carlos Pedraza for several months (go ahead and check), and I was enjoying focusing exclusively on fan films. But things didn’t end there…
Continue reading “CARLOS PEDRAZA wants MONEY from ALEC PETERS??? (editorial)”