Last week, we took a look at the 8-minute TNG-era fan film from 2013, STAR TREK: DECEPTION. Written and directed by British fan filmmaker LEO TIERNEY, the entire production was completed—including time for pre- and post-production—in under six months using about $1,500 donated by supporters in an early Kickstarter.
One of the most eye-catching aspects of this short fan film was an amazing cockpit set of a Starfleet runabout, constructed from scratch by Leo himself. It looked incredibly accurate and realistic, despite the modest budget. The film itself was quite fun to watch and noticeably well-produced, with tens of thousands of views on YouTube. You can watch it here…
After completing the production, Leo later commented that he would love to follow up on the story in a sequel to see how Starfleet deals with this hidden Klingon base. But for the next couple of years, there was no mention by Leo of any plans to do another fan fan film. During that time, Leo helped the fan series Star Trek: Intrepid with some of the VFX for one of their episodes (“Nemo Me Impune Lacessit” released in 2016). And it seems that collaboration led to Leo getting bitten by the fan film bug once again.
On April 16,2105, Deception fans caught the first hint that Leo was planning a sequel:
I’m currently on the lookout for a large area of space to build a (roughly) full-size bridge, and I could use some help locating the perfect place.
I’ve been keeping an eye out on places such as Gumtree for large garages or offices, but if anybody has any better ideas or locations please let me know!
I would probably also need a hand when the set construction begins, which won’t be until sometime in the future, but if you’re handy with a hammer and/or own a large garage please let me know as well!
Ohh, and here’s a quick mock up that I created for the bridge a while back, to get an idea of scale and positions, enjoy!
Although as of this writing, Deception II is still not yet complete (Leo estimates it’ll be ready by May 2018 at the earliest), thanks to a wonderful series of Facebook updates, photos, and videos, I can give you all a peek behind-the-scenes at this eagerly anticipated sequel…
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